Virtual Altar

This is the Virtual Altar Guestbook. They say that there is Power in Numbers...
there have been many miracles through prayer and positive projection. Please
post your request anonymously for the world to help as your email is never posted.

May You Be Blessed,
Mona Magick

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Date: Fri 08/17/18 5:54PM

Message: hello mona please send a lot of positive energy to my life so that everything that is around me harmonizes and flows in abundance and prosperity, and good luck follows me everywhere
thank you thank you thank you

Date: Wed 08/1/18 4:40PM
From: mel">

Message: prayers for mom

Date: Sat 07/28/18 11:06PM
From: Wulf">

Message: Goddess Isis, heal my heart.

Date: Tue 05/22/18 9:32PM
From: X">

Message: Pomba Gira spirit of happiness, I am in need of your magic and power. May your enchantment be the enchantment that realizes my desires and ends my solitude, heartache and misfortune. With the purest and truest of hearts and not desiring to cause or bring any harm, hurt or misfortune to myself X nor my beloved H that their heart beat without interruption only for me X in all directions.

My Queen Pomba Gira of The Crossroads, I ask you to turn H in my favor so that he falls completely in love with me X and needs to have me with him now. Go where ever my beloved H is and goes, and bring him to me X. Don’t let him rest, sleep, be cheerful nor feel pleasure until he sees me, speaks to me, and makes me his lover.

For the powers of earth, for the presence of fire, for the inspiration of air, for the virtues of water, for the tears that I have shed over love, I invoke your spirit and that of the blessed souls so that you go to where ever H is and bring his heart, body and soul and bind it to mine X definitively. Have his spirit soak in the essence of my love so he will reciprocate his love to me in quadruple. May my beloved H not desire any other person, that his thoughts and eyes only be about me X, feel sorry for rejecting and being indifferent to me, and desire to see me and need me be to be his only lover.

O great Pomba Gira, Queen of the Crossroads, move air, transform fire, form water, heal earth so the wheel turns and turns and turns and makes my beloved H quickly come pursuing me X crazily, humbly, pa**ionately wanting to be by my side asking me to never let him go.

O great Pomba Gira Rainha of all Marias and the 7 skirts, my kind, glorious and loving princesses, I ask that the body of my beloved H burn with intense desire to have me X and make me his. May his desire for me blind them of others. May my beloved H lose interest in all other women once and for all and not feel any desire nor pleasure with no other woman but me X. May he never see others as a conquest, feel no interest for them and ignore them. May no other make him feel any pleasure. Only I X will give pleasure and love to H. Only I will have that power given by you.

O great Pomba Gira of the 7 Exus that accompany your steps I X ask and plead for you to tie my beloved H to the 7 knots of your skirts and the 7 bells on your clothes and bring him to me. That my beloved H be at this moment desiring me, wanting to be with me, loving me and kissing me. That they have me in his thoughts 24 hours a day, where ever he may be or whom ever he may be with, his thoughts only be about me X. May my beloved desire to hear my voice, see me, hug me, kiss me, sleep with me, so intensely, that he has to call, text and e-mail me needing to be with me. May he be totally crazy with intense desire for me X at this moment and always wanting us together.

O my queen Pomba Gira of the 7 crossroads; Tie the heart, body and spirit of H to the heart body and spirit of I X; making us one. May my desires be the desires of my beloved H and love me as if I were the only person on the face of this earth. As he goes to sleep may my beloved H think of me X as the only person in the world that he loves and trusts. Make my beloved H feel a love for me that is beyond normal, like he has never felt in his entire life and never will. Only I X can satisfy and give pleasure to my beloved H, only I can have that power given to me by you.

O great Pomba Gira of the 7 Exus which accompany your steps, I supplicate you to tie and unite our love now. Please break all the barriers that my beloved H would have against me, and make him kind, loving, pa**ionate, comprehensive, tolerant, and happy being by my side. May he never have the desires to leave me or let me go again, loving me always intensely and pa**ionately.

I appreciate the spirit of the 7 crossroads, working by my side in this situation for me. For this, I will divulge & give acknowledgement of your name. I X profess in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the confidence in the power of the spirit of the 7 crossroads, so that it will be, so it is, and so it has been done. I give thanks for the desires granted and obtained. May this prayer become that much stronger each time it is read. I will cry out to the 4 corners of the world asking, Oh Mother Pomba Gira of the 7 Crossroads to grant my desires: Make H crazily in love with me X, that for every tear that I have shed, the love in their heart becomes stronger for me. May the spirit of Pomba Gira blow in the thoughts and ears of my beloved H my name, day & night. May they go to sleep thinking of me, and wake up thinking of me needing to call, text and e-mail me desiring to hear my voice and tell me he wishes to be by my side.

O great Pomba Gira, I ask: Oh mother remove all obstacles and negative thoughts of me from my beloved H. May he only think of our divine love, and live always by my side. Remove all and any resistance to me, and may he hear my voice at this very moment calling, wanting and desiring him. May he has the need to hold, hug and kiss me and come looking for me, needing to make me his. So it will be, so it is, so it has been done. I have confidence that this matter has been attended to. I appreciate the attention given to my divine desires for H to love me X entirely.

Date: Sun 04/29/18 10:51AM
From: Spring">

Message: I wish to be out of debt.

Date: Mon 01/22/18 2:07PM
From: Jaquelin">

Por los poderes de la tierra, por la presencia del fuego, por la inspiración del aire, por las virtudes del agua, invoco y conjuro a Pomba Gira María Padilha, por la fuerza de los corazones sagrados y de las lágrimas derramadas por amor, para que se dirija a (nombre de la otra persona) donde está trayendo su espíritu ante mi(tu nombre), amarrándolo definitivamente al mío. Que su espíritu se bañe en la esencia de mi amor y me devuelva el amor en cuádruple. Que (su nombre) jamás quiera a otra persona y que su cuerpo solo a mi (el tuyo) me pertenezca. Que (su nombre) no beba, no coma, no hable, no escuche, no cante a no ser en mi presencia. Que mis grilletes lo apresen para siempre, por los poderes de esta Oración. Minhas pombas gira use su poder y aleje a (su nombre) de cualquier mujer con que él esté en este momento; y si estuviera que llame mi nombre. Quiero amarrar el espíritu y cuerpo de(su nombre) ; porque lo quiero amarrado y enamorado de mi (tu nombre) quiero que (su nombre) quede dependiente de mi amor, quiero verlo loco por mi (el tuyo), deseándome como si yo fuese la última persona de la faz de la tierra. Quiero su corazón prendido a mi eternamente, que en nombre de la gran Reina María Padilha florezca este sentimiento dentro de (su nombre) dejándole preso a mi (el tuyo), 24 horas por día. OH Pomba gira Reina María Padilha has de traer a (su nombre) , para mi (el tuyo), pues yo a él deseo, y lo quiero deprisa. Por tus poderes ocultos, que (su nombre) comience a amarme a mi (el tuyo) a partir de este exacto instante y que el piense sólo en mi (el tuyo), como si yo fuese la única persona del mundo. Que (su nombre) venga corriendo hacia mi, lleno de esperanzas y deseo, que (su nombre) no tenga sosiego hasta que venga a buscarme, y vuelva a mi (el tuyo). Reina María Padilha yo te imploro para que me traigas a (su nombre). Que (su nombre) me ame mucho, venga manso y como yo deseo. Yo le agradezco a la gran Rainha María Padilha. Y prometo siempre llevar su nombre conmigo. OH! Poderosa Pomba Gira Siete Exus, quiero de vuelta mi amado (su nombre) que me entristece con su desprecio, que (su nombre) olvide y deje de una vez y por todas todos los otros amores y a los que nos quieran apartar. Que (su nombre) sea desanimado y frío con todas las otras mujeres, que cualquier otra mujer que este con (su nombre) se estrese con él, pelee con él y salga inmediatamente de la vida de él y le tome enojo, odio, aversión y rabia de él y no se retracte de nada. Y que (su nombre) tome enojo, odio, aversión y rabia de cualquier otra mujer que ande con el ahora y que ellos terminen esa relación urgentemente. Que El venga a mi (tu nobre), pida mi amor y mi perdón. Oh! Linda Poderosa Pomba Gira Sete Exus, que en ese momento(su nombre)quede sólo pensando en mí y pensando cómo va a hacer para HACERME FELIZ. Necesito reina, de una señal, una llamada telefónica, cualquier contacto para yo saber si (su nombre) piensa en mi y que me quiere, y me quite de esa oscuridad. Que(su nombre) hable conmigo, que sienta que me echa de menos. Usted es fuerte y poderosa, traiga a (su nombre) a mis pies, para no salir, y que venga corriendo, que deje todo y a todos Y que sólo piense en mi (tu nombre). Linda Poderosa Pomba Gira Siete Exus que con su grande y fuerte poder quite todas las barreras que están impidiendo que(su nombre) ME AME LOCAMENTE y desee unirse a mi(el tuyo). Quiero mi amado, amándome y admirándome siempre. Que el no sienta mas deseos sexuales por ninguna otra persona. Que sus deseos sean sólo para mi (tu nombre), que sus pensamientos, gentilezas y bondades sean sólo para mi (tu nombre) Que (su nombre) quiera de verdad que yo (tu nombre) me quede con él. Pero además, quiero que usted, Linda Poderosa Pomba Gira Siete Exus, aleje de BS toda y cualquier otra mujer. Y Que podamos ser felices juntos. Que él me llame por teléfono, desde ya y en todo momento. Que sienta nostalgia por mi persona, y que sufra lejos de mi(tu nombre) Quiero que él me busque hoy y ahora. Quiero oír la voz de él, pidiendo verme para quedarse conmigo y volviendo a mi(tu nombre) para siempre, diciendo que me ama y que me quiere solo a mi. Gracias por el favor concedido. Copie y pegue un pedido igual a este en 7 altares diferentes y dentro de 7 días su pedido será realizado. Oración Fuerte Para Amarrar a Alguien. Simpatía infalible pero no se puede volver atrás

Date: Tue 11/7/17 5:04AM
From: Anderson">

Message: Please i need instant money to pay all my debts and live a wealthy life

Date: Tue 09/12/17 7:00PM
From: aya">

Message: Great Artemis;
Please protect me from the insistent and unwanted pursuit of men. Please keep me safe from any and all harm.

Date: Tue 09/12/17 6:58PM
From: aya">

Message: Great Aphrodite;
protect me from the misunderstandings of men's hearts, let them understand I cannot and will not love them. Please, keep me safe from men pursuing romantic and sexual relations with me. I am sick and tired of it.

Date: Thu 07/13/17 4:24PM
From: Destiny">

Message: Great Diana, Queen of the Witches,
Help me find my way. I'm starting to feel hopeless.

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Mona Magick's Virtual Altar