Virtual Altar

This is the Virtual Altar Guestbook. They say that there is Power in Numbers...
there have been many miracles through prayer and positive projection. Please
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May You Be Blessed,
Mona Magick

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Date: Mon 12/7/15 9:13AM
From: oji chisom emmanuel">

Message: Please pray for me, I am Nigerian studying in sri lanka, I am far away from home, I need to find ways to survive and sustain myself in this country, I need favour,and love, plus I need to succeed in what I came here for

Date: Wed 11/18/15 10:42PM
From: jes">

Message: Oração poderosa à Maria Padilha – chamar alguém, amor – Oração forte para chamar alguém – Lembrando apenas: para as simpatias darem certo, também é necessário que seja para os dois. Somente a**im, as pessoas envolvidas podem ser felizes.
Salve Pomba Gira Maria Padilha das sete encruzilhadas! Atrás de mim você (D.M. S), vai vir de rastros, apaixonado e manso. Salve Pomba Gira Maria Padilha Rainha das sete encruzilhadas! Dizendo a**im: conheço a tua força e o teu poder, te peço que me atenda o seguinte pedido:
Que (D.M. S) não coma e não durma, não beba, não trabalhe, não consiga se divertir, que ele fique triste, deprimido e só pensando em mim, se não estiver ao meu lado. Que seu corpo queime de desejo e tesão por mim. (D.M. S) que seu desejo por mim o deixe cego para outras mulheres. Que nenhuma outra consiga fazer com que sinta prazer, somente eu terei esse poder.
Que (D.M. S) deixe de vez todas as outras mulheres que tiver na rua, e em casa tome ódio e raiva delas e não procure mais nenhuma outra que não seja eu. Que (D.M. S) me procure a todo instante, hoje, agora, desejando estar ao meu lado. E que me tenha em seus pensamentos o tempo todo. Agora com quem estiver, onde estiver ele (D.M. S) irá parar, porque o seu pensamento está em mim, ele irá ficar louco de desejo, tesão e ficará muito excitado ao pensar em mim.
Neste momento, peço a ti, minha Rainha Maria Padilha das sete encruzilhadas, que faça (D.M. S), ficar louco de paixão, desejo, tesão e muito excitado por mim. Ele ficará louco de vontade de estar comigo, de me abraçar, me beijar e fazer amor loucamente comigo. E ao deitar, ao acordar, tenha sonhos eróticos comigo, fazendo a**im com que se apaixone cada vez mais por mim.
Peço ajuda a ti, minha Rainha Maria Padilha das sete encruzilhadas, que faça (D.M. S) me achar linda, me achar gostosa e achar o meu corpo lindo e fique louco por mim, sinta muitos ciúmes também. Que (D.M. S) sinta prazer somente por ouvir minha voz. Faça sentir por mim um desejo fora do normal, como nunca sentiu por outra e nunca sentirá.
Peço a ti, minha Rainha Maria Padilha das sete encruzilhadas, que me torne uma mulher muito boa de cama, fogosa, atraente, sedutora, sexy. Me dê o poder de conquistar a todos os homens que eu quiser, e que eu leve (D.M. S) à loucura, quando estivermos fazendo amor, que ele goze várias vezes e que só de se encostar em mim ele fique louco de tanto desejo e excitação.
Que nós dois possamos fazer amor loucamente, como ele nunca fez com nenhuma outra mulher, que a gente sempre consiga gozar juntos e seja uma explosão de tanto amor, desejo e tesão. Agradeço a você, por estar junto de todos os outros trabalhando a meu favor. Vou divulgar seu nome em troca deste pedido, de trazer (D.M. S), muito apaixonado, carinhoso, fiel, romântico e amável comigo.
Obrigado minha Rainha Maria Padilha das sete encruzilhadas, confio em teus poderes e quero que estejas sempre junto de mim, me tornando uma mulher muito linda, jovem, delicada, amada, soberana e querida por todos, como ti. Peço que abra meus caminhos e ajude-me a conseguir tudo que eu quero, principalmente o amor de (D.M. S), com urgência e rapidez.
Muito obrigada por tudo. Seja minha guardiã todos os momentos. E me ajude financeiramente também.

Date: Wed 11/18/15 10:34PM
From: jes">

Message: Minha Rainha Pomba Gira Maria Padilha das Sete Encruzilhadas vá até onde (D.M.S) estiver e faça com que ele não descanse enquanto não falar comigo. Que a**im seja, pelos poderes da terra, pela presença do fogo, pela inspiração do ar, pelas virtudes da água, invoco as Treze Almas Benditas pela força dos corações sagrados e das lágrimas derramadas por amor. Para que se dirija até onde está neste momento (D.M.S) e traga o seu espírito até mim, amarrando-o definitivamente ao meu.

Que seu espírito se banhe na essência do meu amor e me devolva o amor em dobro. Que (D.M.S) jamais deseje outra pessoa e que tenha olhos só pra mim… E que a**im seja!


Ar move, fogo transforma, Água forma, Terra cura, E a Roda vai girando, vai girando, E a Roda vai girando, vai trazer (D.M.S) de volta o mais rápido possível para perto de mim. Que não queira outra pessoa, que sinta-se bem só ao meu lado. Que ele sinta a minha falta e venha ao meu encontro e me peça para que eu nunca o abandone. Que (D.M.S) sinta tesão somente por mim e não consiga mais parar de pensar em nós dois ( J.E.S ) e (D.M.S) juntos. Assim seja e a**im será. Salve Pomba Gira! Salve SETE SAIAS! Salve suas irmãs, Maria Mulambo, Maria Padilha, Arrepiada, e todas as outras da falange! Salve SETE SAIAS! Minha boa amiga, mulher de 7 EXUS, defensora das mulheres E DOS HOMENS! Salve SETE SAIAS! Minha boa e gloriosa princesa!

Conheço a tua força e o teu poder, te peço que atenda o seguinte pedido: que (D.M.S) não durma se não tiver a certeza que estamos juntos; Que o corpo de (D.M.S) queime de desejo por MIM; Que o desejo de (D.M.S) por mim o deixe cego para outras pessoas, que elas não consigam mais vê-lo como homem; Que outras mulheres e outras pessoas nunca consigam fazer com que (D.M.S) sinta desejos para com elas e, prazer, somente EU terei esse poder; Que (D.M.S) DEIXE de vez de amar, beijar e abraçar QUALQUER outra pessoa e Me a**uma em seu coração e em sua vida. Afaste dele as OUTRAS pessoas, que elas não o desejem mais também. Que (D.M.S) me procure a todo instante, HOJE, AGORA, desejando estar ao meu lado, QUE ESTEJA COM SAUDADES, que (D.M.S)sempre tenha a minha imagem em seu pensamento em todos os momentos DO SEU DIA. AGORA, COM QUEM ESTIVER, ONDE ESTIVER você (D.M.S) Irá PARAR PORQUE O seu PENSAMENTO ESTARÁ EM MIM. Ao deitar, ao acordar, que tenha sonhos comigo fazendo a**im com que me ame a cada dia mais. SE ESTIVER DORMINDO QUE ACORDE COM SAUDADES DE MIM. Que sinta prazer somente EM ouvir a minha voz. Faça (D.M.S) sentir por mim um desejo fora do normal como nunca sentiu por NINGUEM e nunca sentirá.

Salve SETE SAIAS! Minha boa e gloriosa princesa pelos 7 EXUS que acompanham seus pa**os, rogo e suplico que amarre (D.M.S) nos 7 nós de suas saias e nos 7 guizos de sua roupa para mim.

Agradeço por estar trabalhando a meu favor. Vou divulgar SEU nome em troca deste pedido de trazer (D.M.S) HOJE E SEMPRE COMIGO, para que ele SE torne MEU e largue as outras PRA sempre, e ficar só comigo e ainda hoje pense em mim e me ligue e retorne logo, pois não conseguirá ficar longe de mim, pois terá medo de me perder, que venha dizendo que me quer sempre junto dele.


Date: Thu 10/29/15 9:49PM
From: sally">

Message: Please pray me and my fiancee will get married real soon and that we have a blessed loving happy union and relationship with each other starting as of now and our loving happy union together of our lives together will last an forever and for eternitu

Date: Thu 09/24/15 1:42AM
From: b.a.b">

Message: please help me pray to bring P.Y.L,back in my life. I need him in my life, and there's just nobody who can fill the empitiness in me but him, i want him to fall deeply and madly in love with me, thank you.

Date: Wed 07/29/15 7:54PM
From: JML">

Message: Powerful lady of the crossroads, lady of the roads, owner of the streets and the red roses. Beautiful lady, that your beauty be the beauty of our roads, that your strength be the strength that destroys our enemies declared and hidden. Pomba Gira that your charm be the charm of my desires come true. Mote it be. By the powers of the earth, by the presence of fire, be the inspiration of air, by the virtues of water, I invoke Maria Padilha by the strength of the sacred hearts and the tears of love so she goes where IRR is and where you find IRR to bring him in spirit, body and soul before me, JML, binding him definitely to me, JML. Hail Pomba Gira Maria Padilha Queen of the 7 crossroads. I ask you this now: woman spin, come to me woman, spin in my favor making my beloved, IRR, falls completely in love with me. I ask as well: air move, fire transform, water form, earth heal; and the wheel turns, and turns, and turns; making my beloved, IRR, loving me subdued and crawling after me, JML. Hail Pomba Gira Queen of the 7 crossroads, hail 7 sayas and her sisters Maria Padilla, hail Maria Mulambo, and all others of the falange. Hail 7 sayas my good and glorious princess protector of women and men. Saying: I know your strength and your power, I ask that you attend my wish. That the spirit, body and soul of IRR is showered and fills with the essence of my love and that he returns it 4 times fold. That IRR love me, JML, that his body, spirit and soul only belong to me, that IRR lives, breathes, sings, works, has fun only in my presence, JML. That my shackles imprison him forever by the powers of this prayer. My pomba giras, use your power and distance IRR from any woman that he is with in this moment and if he was with one, that he calls her by my name of JML. I want to bind the spirit, body and soul of IRR because I want him binded and in love with me, JML. I want IRR to depend on my love, I want him crazy in love with me, JML. Desiring me like I was the only and last woman on the face of the earth. I want his heart attached to me, JML, eternally in the name of the great Queen Maria Padilha. That this feeling blooms inside IRR leaving it imprisoned to JML 24 hours a day. Oh Pomba Gira Queen Maria Padilha, you shall bring IRR for me, JML, because I desire him and I want him properly. By your hidden powers that IRR starts loving me, JML, at this very moment and that IRR only thinks of me, JML, like I was the only person and woman in the world. That he comes running towards me, JML, filled with hope and desire, that IRR only has peace, clam, tranquility, hope, work, health, happiness only by my side, JML. That IRR comes to see me and comes back to me, JML, with your power and infinite strength open all the doors to IRR and me, JML. So we can be together and make each other happy and that we have work, love, care, health, and family together IRR and me, JML. My Queen Maria Padilha, I beg you that you bring me IRR, that IRR loves me a lot, comes submissively, humbled under my feet, like JML wishes. I thank the great Queen Maria Padilha and I promise to keep your name always with me. Oh, powerful Pomba Gira of the 7 Exus, I want my beloved IRR back because he saddens and depresses me with his rejection, distance, and indifference. IRR will forget and leave once and for all, all the other love interests and all the people that want to separate us. That IRR gets disappointed and grows cold with other women, that any other women that is with IRR leaves his life immediately and that no other woman can provide IRR with pleasure. Only I, JML, will have that power given by you my Queen. That IRR leaves all the other women. That IRR feels desires, pleasure and love only with me, JML, and sees me like the only love in his life, that IRR feels uninterested of going out with other women and that he accepts once and for all, that he loves me and only wants me, JML. And that IRR only wants to be with me, JML, and no one else and no one else. That IRR feels pleasure and love only with me and for me, JML. That IRR feels good, happy, at peace and loved only when he is by my side, JML. That IRR comes to me, JML, and asks for my love and my forgiveness and ask me, JML, to marry him. Oh beautiful and powerful Pomba Gira of the 7 Exus, that in this moment IRR wants to be only with me and that he does the impossible so that this may happen. That he only wants to be with me and no one else, not even friends, women, men, clients, family. That IRR thinks only of me, JML, and thinking how he is going to help me to make me, JML, happy. And how he is going to fight for our love so it continues and we can be together the two of us happily married together forever! I need my Queen Pomba Gira, that you give me a sign, a call or a text from IRR or any other type of contact to let me know if IRR thinks of me and wants me, JML. So that he may take this darkness and depression I am in. That IRR talks to me, that he feels he misses me, needs me, and wants me near more than ever. You are powerful and strong, bring IRR to my feet forever. That he comes running, that he leaves everything and everyone that he forgets about other women or men and that IRR only loves and thinks of me, JML. Beautiful and powerful Pomba Gira of the 7 Exus, with your great and invincible power, destroy, bring down, finish, take, make disappear all of the barriers, people, spells, works and hexes that are not allowing IRR from coming to me, JML, and let IRR love me deeply and that him desire to be with me, JML. I want my beloved IRR always loving me, admiring me, taking care of me, protecting me. That when IRR goes to bed he thinks of JML. My Queen, I ask that you make IRR feel for me a love and desire outside of the normal and common, something unexplainable like he has never felt for anyone else and will never feel again, just for me, JML. That this doesn’t scare him, that this motivates him to start fighting for our love so we can be together, IRR and me, JML, and be happy together. That IRR only has sexual desires only for me, JML, and no one else. That his desires and good thoughts are only for me, JML. That his thoughts, gentleness, love, tenderness, money, details are only for me, JML. Only I, JML, will have this power given by you my Queen. Hail 7 sayas by the 7 Exus that follow your steps. I ask and beg you to bind IRR in the 7 sayas and the 7 guisos of his clothes just for me, JML. Beautiful and powerful Pomba Gira of the 7 Exus, I ask you break, turn to dust and disappear all the strength, the pride, the dignity, that makes IRR be so cold with me. So that IRR becomes lovable, understanding, caring only with me, JML. That IRR cares and loves me very much. That JML gets to stay with IRR. I also want you my beautiful and powerful Pomba Gira of the 7 Exus to distance from IRR every other woman away from him that is after him, that IRR ignores them completely and only looks for me and accepts me once and for all so we can be happy together, JML and IRR. That IRR feels attraction, pa**ion, sexual desire, and love only for me, JML. That IRR calls me, texts me and emails me, JML, now and at every moment asking where I’m at, what I am doing and to tell me how much he loves me. That IRR feels nostalgia, desire, pa**ion and love for me, JML. That IRR waits and looks for me today and now in this exact moment to tell me how much he loves me and wants me, JML, by his side. I want to hear the voice of IRR asking me to see him, to be with me, telling me he loves me and wants me, JML. That he wants to marry me, JML. And will do the impossible so everything between us works out. Thank you for the fulfilled favor, I shall spread your name, I JML prophesize in the name of the father, son and the holy ghost. I have confidence in the power of the 7 crossroads, that so it will be, so it is, and so it has been done. I thank you for the asked wish already granted and fulfilled. Every time I read this prayer the stronger it will become. I shall cry out to the 4 corners of the world asking the mother to grant me, JML, my wish. Make IRR be crazy in love and have desire for me, JML. Make him fight for our love until its reached, that every tear shed by me, JML, gets transformed into a great love in the heart of IRR. I know that the spirits of the falange of Pomba Gira are blowing in the ears of IRR, blowing my name, JML, day and night. Telling him that he needs to talk to me, that he loves me and that nobody will love him like I do. That he sets his pride aside and comes to me submissive and in love. That IRR sleeps thinking, remembering and dreaming of me, JML. That he wakes up thinking and loving me, JML. Hail Pomba Gira, I ask you oh mother, remove from IRR thoughts of all hate, resentment, grudges, anger, upset feelings, anger and anything that went wrong that made him distance himself from, JML. And that now you turn all that in to a great and unique unconditional love for me, JML. And that IRR thinks only of our love and how to fight for it and that IRR lives crawling and in love with me, JML. So it will be, so it is, and so it has been done. I thank you for all that has been done and I am confident that I shall be attended. IRR is going to be crazy in love for me, JML. As soon as possible, bring IRR back to me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Date: Wed 06/24/15 4:41AM
From: M">

Message: Please help me heal my PTSD and all of my horrible traumas, so that I can learn to love myself and stop pushing my husband away. Please let me out of this agonizing trap of fear and terror and help me learn to be calm and free to be the real me. Please help me learn to control this rage that is like an out of control fire that I have never felt before. Please help me to figure out what to do about confronting the first person who did unspeakable things to me when I was only five. Please help me deal with all of the things that have happened over and over so that I can be free and finally have a life worth living without caring so much what everyone thinks and without hating myself so much. Please help me to heal from my physical issues, as well. Help me to have dreams and hope and motivation again. Thank you from my heart.

Date: Sun 06/21/15 11:22PM
From: Derrick">

Message: Please pray that Lupita fals deeply and emotionally in love with me. Pray that she has an eternal lovesdick crush on me and devotes herself to loving, and caring for me. Pray that she showers me with lots of gifts and affection, and that I become the most important person in the world to her. Also pray that she becomes intimately and emotionally close to me. Let Lupita be my lover and close friend. Thank.

Date: Mon 05/11/15 10:00AM
From: L.">

Message: Pray for CA to have the courage to do what is right and follow his heart for a better tomorrow. Though we both be tied to others, they are ties that began to fray long ago. May we come together to begin a better tomorrow with each other.

Pray also for Pomba Gira that others may know her name and allow her into their life.

Date: Sun 04/19/15 6:49PM
From: Derrick">

Message: Pray that Lupita falls deep in love with me forever. Pray that she looks for opportunities to show me more love and devotion. Pray that she showers me with lots of gifts and money and affection. Also pray that I become Lupita' s dearest friend and lover and soul mate. Also pray that she will always have a lovesick crush and emotional and sexual attraction for me. Thanx

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Mona Magick's Virtual Altar