Virtual Altar

This is the Virtual Altar Guestbook. They say that there is Power in Numbers...
there have been many miracles through prayer and positive projection. Please
post your request anonymously for the world to help as your email is never posted.

May You Be Blessed,
Mona Magick

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Date: Fri 03/6/15 4:58PM
From: Ryan">

Message: Show me self discipline

Date: Wed 03/4/15 5:03PM
From: molie">

Message: what to do how to get your
naorado back
Sympathy to bring a loved
one back (only do if you are
sure of your decision)?
My Queen Dove Gira Maria
Padilha of Seven Crossroads
go to WHERE IS (EO) and make
it not to rest until you talk to
me, so be it, the powers of
the earth, by the presence of
fire, by air inspiration, by
virtue of water, invoke the
Thirteen Blessed Souls by
force of the sacred hearts and
tears shed by love, so head
up to where it is right now
(EO) and bring your spirit to
me, tying it definitely mine.
His spirit soak in the essence
of my love and give me love
double. That (EO) never want
another person and who has
eyes only for me ... And so be
crossroads! ASK YOURSELF!
SO ... Air moves, fire turns,
moves Air, Fire Water turns
way, earth healing, And the
wheel goes round, goes
round, And the wheel goes
round, will bring (EO) back as
soon as possible close to me
who do not want someone
else, you feel good just by my
side. That (EO) feel my lack
and come to me and ask me
to I'd never leave. That (YOUR
NAME LOVE) feel horny just
for me and can not stop
thinking about the two of us
NAME) together. So be it and
so will be. Save Dove Gira!
Save SEVEN SKIRTS! Save your
sisters, Mary Mulambo, Maria
Padilha, shivering, and all
other phalanx! Save SEVEN
SKIRTS! My good friend, the
wife of 7 Lexus, advocate for
women AND MEN! Save SEVEN
SKIRTS! My good and glorious
princess! I know your
strength and your power, I
ask you to answer the
following request: that (NAME
YOUR LOVE) do not sleep if
you are not sure that we are
together; That the body of
(NAME YOUR LOVE) burn with
desire for ME (YOUR NAME);
That the desire to (NAME
YOUR LOVE) by me let blind to
others, he can not see her as
a woman; Other women and
other people can never make
(NAME YOUR LOVE) wishes to
feel with them, pleasure, only
I'll have this power; That
(NAME YOUR LOVE) from time
to love, kiss and hug ANY
other person and take me in
your heart. OTHER OTHER far
from him and people that
they do not want more too.
That (NAME YOUR LOVE) look
all the time, TODAY, NOW,
wishing to be beside me,
image in your mind at all
BE ME. At bedtime, wake up,
you have dreams with me
thereby making love me every
MISSING. To feel pleasure
only IN hear my voice. Make
(NAME YOUR LOVE) feel for
me a desire out of the
ordinary like never for
ANYONE and never feel. Save
SEVEN SKIRTS! My good and
glorious princess by 7 Lexus
accompanying his footsteps, I
pray and beg that ties (NAME
YOUR LOVE) 7 knots of her
skirts and 7 bells of his
CLOTHES for me. Thank you to
be working in my favor. I will
disclose YOUR name in
exchange for this application
to bring (NAME YOUR LOVE)
has ALWAYS ME, for it to
become My and drop other
forever and be just me and
still think of me and call me
and return soon, it will not
stay away from me, it will
have fear of losing me, that
will mean you want me always
with him So be it and so will
be! And so it is done! TRUST
IN THE DOVE phalanges TURN
QUEEN OF 7 crossroads,
LOVE) SPIRITS phalanges
POWER OF 7 crossroads AND
person looking for you
ingredients: publish this
sympathy 4 times. When
finished, type the sole of your
left foot the name of a loved
one. Press hard enough her
foot, saying three times:
"Under my feet I hold you
(say the person's name), I
bind you (say his name), I
hold you (say the name), the
power 13 of the Blessed
Souls. " The dream you have
tonight you should not tell

Date: Sat 02/14/15 5:22AM
From: D.M.">

Message: My Queen Pomba Gira Maria Padilha of the 7 crossroads, go wherever F.O. is and don't let him rest, don't let him sleep, don't let him talk, don't let him be cheerful, don't let him feel pleasure until he talks to me. IT IS.

For the powers of the earth for the presence of fire, for the inspiration of air, for the virtues of water, I invoke the 13 blessed souls for the powers of The Sacred Heart and the tears shed for love, so that they go wherever F. O. is at this moment and bring his spirit to me, tie it definitely to mine. His spirit will soak in the essence of my love and he will return it back to me in double. F.O. will never desire another woman and his eyes will always be on me.


Hail Pomba Gira Maria Padilha Queen of the 7 crossroads! I ask you: Go turn around, go please turn around in my favor bringing F.O. back to me. Move air, transform fire, move air, water becomes earth. Earth heals, it turns. The wheels turn, it turns the wheels, turns it, it will bring F.O. back to me as soon as possible, next to me.

F.O. won't desire another woman, he will be fine only by my side. He will miss me and will come to meet me and ask me to never let him go. F.O. will want me and will not stop thinking about us being together. IT IS AND IT WILL BE.

Hail Pomba Gira Maria Padilha! Hail 7 skirts! Hail your sisters, Maria Mulumbo, Maria Rainha da Calunga Pequena, Maria Padilha Shivered, and all the others! Hail 7 skirts! My good friend and woman of the 7 exus, defender of the women! Hail 7 skirts! My kind and glorious princesses, I know your strength and your power, I ask the following: F.O. will not sleep if he is not certain that we are together. His body will burn into desiring me. F.O. desire for me will make him blind for all other women. The other women will NOT see him as a man. The other women will NOT make F.O. desire them; they will NOT give him pleasure. I am the only one who will have this power.

F.O. will NOT love, kiss, hug any other woman anymore and will let only me be in his heart.

Tear other women apart from him. The other women will not want him anymore. F.O. will look for me at all times today. Now wishing to be by my side, he misses me. F.O. will always have my image in his thoughts at all times of his days and nights. Right now with whomever and wherever you are F.O. you will stop. And your thoughts will be with me. When you lay down, when you wake up, you will dream about me. And for this you will love me more every day. If you are sleeping, wake up missing me! You will be glad to hear my voice. F.O. you will feel a desire for me that is above desire, like you have never felt for any other woman before and never will again.

Hail 7 skirts! My kind and glorious Princess of the 7 exus that follow your steps.

I plea and I beg, tie F.O. to the 7 knots of your skirt and to the 7 bells of your clothes for me.

I thank you Pomba Gira for your work for me. I will make public your name in exchange of this wish. Bring F.O. today and let him be with me always. Let him be mine. Let him be always with me today and he will think of me and he will call me and he will beg to come back to me, because he can not stand being far away from me, because he will be afraid of losing me.

He will come saying that he wants me always with him, and he will want me to be his wife and mother of his children.


I trust Pomba Gira of the 7 crossroads, every time this prayer is read it will be stronger and stronger. That is why I send it to the corners of the world, asking oh mother make this wish come true. I want to be with F.O. .

I know the groups of Pomba Gira are already blowing my name into F.O. ears day and night. He will not eat, sleep, or do anything unless he is with me. I trust the power of the 7 crossroads and will continue spreading this powerful prayer.



Date: Fri 02/13/15 3:27PM
From: molly">

Message: this is for my bf SK Lucwaba
crossroads,lady of all roads,owner of
the streets and the red roses.Beautiful
lady that your beauty be the beauty of
our roads, that your strengh be the
strengh that destroyes our enemies
declared and hidden.Pomba gira that
your charm be the charm of my desires
come true.Mote it be.By the powers of
the earth,by the presense of fire,by the
inspiration of air,by the virtues of
water I invoke Maria padilha by the
strengh of the sacred hearts and the
tears of love so she goes where (his/her
name here)and where you find (his/her
name here)to bring him in spirit body
and soul before me(your name)biding
definitely to me (your name).Hail
Pomba-gira Maria Padilha queen of the
7 crossroadsI ask you this way: now
woman spin come to me woman spin
in my favor making my beloved
(name); that he falls completely in love
with me; Asking as well: air move, fire
transform, water form, earth heal; and
the wheel turns, and turns, and turns;
making my beloved(name) loving me
subdued and crawling after me(Your
Name).Salve Pomba Gira queen of 7
crossroads, salve 7 sayas and her sisters
Maria Padilla, salve Maria Mulambo,
and all others of the falange;salve 7
sayas my good and glorious princess
protector of women and men Saying:I
know your strength and your power;I
ask that you attend my wish. that the
spirit ,body and soul of (his/her
name)is showered and fills with the
essence of my love and that he returns
it 4 times fold.that (his/her name)loves
me(your name)that his body spirit and
soul only belong to me,that (his/her
name)lives,breathes,sings,work s,has
fun only in my presence (your
name)that my shackles imprison him
forever by the powers of this prayer.My
pombas gira use your power and
distance (his/her name) from any
woman (man) that he/she is with in
this moment and if he/she was with
one that he/she calls him/her by my
name (your name)I want to bind the
spirit body and soul of (his/her
name)because I wanted him/her
binded and in love with me ( your
name)I want (his/her name) depends
on my loveI want him crazy in love
with me( your name)Desiring me like i
was the only and last woman/man on
the face of the earth.I want his heart
attached to me(yourname)eternally in
the name of the great Queen Maria
Padilha that this feeling blooms inside
of (his/her name)leaving it imprisoned
to (your name)24 hours a day.Oh
Pomba gira Queen Maria Padilha you
shall bring (his/her name) for me(your
name) because i desrire him and i want
him promply.By your hidden powers
that (his/her name) starts loving me
(your name)at thsi very moment and
that (his/her name) only thinks of me
(your name) like i was the only person
and (woman/man) in the world.That
he comes running towards me(your
name)filled with hope and desire, that
(his/her name) only has peace ,calm
tranquility hope,work,health
happyness only by my side (your
name)that (his/her name)comes to see
me and comes back to me(your
name)with your power and infinite
strengh open all the doors to (his/
hername) and me (your name)so we
can be together and make each other
happy and that we have work
love,care,health and family together
(his/hername)and me (your name).My
queen Maria Padilha I beg you that
you bring me (his/her name)that (his
her name)loves me alot,comes
submissive,humbled under my feel
like (your name) wish.I thank the great
Queen Maria Padilha and i promise to
keep your name always with meOh!
powerful Pomba gira of the 7 exus I
want my beloved (his/her name) back
because he saddens and depresses me
with his rejection distance and
indifference that (his/her name)forgets
and leaves once and for all, all the
other love interests and all the people
that want to separate us .That (his/her
name)gets dissapointed and grows
cold with other women,that any other
women that is with (his/her name)
leaves his life immediately that no
other woman can achieve that (his /her
name) feels pleasure,only i (your name)
will have that power given by you my
queen.That (his/her name) leaves all
the other women that (his/her
name)feels desires,pleasure and love
only with me (your name)and sees me
like the only love in his life that (his
name)feels uninterested of going out
with other women and that accepts
once and for all that he loves me and
only wants me (your name) and that
(his/her name)only wants to be with
me (your name)and noone else and
noone else.That (his/her name) feels
pleasure and love only with me and for
me (your name) that (his/her
name)feels good happy at peace and
loved only when he is by my side (your
name).That (his/her name) comes to
me(your name) and ask for my love
and my forgiveness and asks me (your
name)to marry him.Oh! beautiful and
powerful Pomba gira of the 7 exus that
in this moment (his/her name)wants to
be only with me and that he does the
impossible so that this may
happen.That he only wants to be with
me and noone else not even
ly.That (his/her name)thinks only of
me (your name)and thinking how he is
going to help me to make me(your
name)happy.And how he is going to
fight for our love so it continues and
we can be together the two of us
happyly married together forever,I
need my queen Pomba gira that you
give me a sign, a call a text from (his/
her name)or any other type of contact
to let me know if (his/her name) thinks
of me and wants me (your name) so
that he may take this darkness and
depression i am in.That (his/her
name)talks to me that he/she feels she/
he misses me,needs me and wants me
near more than ever.You are powerful
and strong,bring (his/her name) to my
feet forever,that he comes running that
he leaves everything and everyone that
he forgets about family,customs,
friends,work,women,men,and that
(his/her name)only loves and thinks of
me(your name).Beautiful and powerful
Pomba gira of the 7 exus with your
great and invincible power
destroy,bring down,finish,take,make
dissapear all the
barriers,people,spells,works and hexes
that are not allowing (his/her name)
from coming to me (your name) and
loves me deeply and that he desires to
be with me(your name).I want my
beloved (his/her name)always loving
me,admiring me, taking care of
me,protect me.That when (his her
name)goes to bed thinks of (your
name),my queen i ask that you make
(his/her name) feel for me a love and
desire outside of the normal and
common something unexplainable
like he never felt for anyone else and
will never feel again just for me(your
name) that this doesnt scare him/her
that this motivate him to start fighting
for our love so we can be together (his/
her name) and me (your name) and be
happy together.That (his/her name)
only has sexual desires only for me
(your name) and noone else.That his
desires and good thoughts are only for
me (your name) that his
thoughts ,gentleness,love,tenderness,mo
ney,details are only for me(your
name).Only I (your name)will have this
power given by you my queen.Salve 7
sayes by the 7 exus that follow your
steps I ask and beg you to bind (his her
name)in the 7 sayas and the 7 guisos of
his clothes just for me (your
name).Beautiful and powerful pomba
gira of the 7 exus i ask you,break,turn
to dust and dissappear all the
strengh,the pride,the dignity,that
makes (his/her name)be so cold with
me so that (his/her name) becomes
lovable,understanding,caring only
with me (your name).That (his/her
name)cares and loves me very
much.That(your name)gets to stay
with (his/her name)I also want you my
beautiful and powerful Pomba Gira of
the 7 exus to distance from (his/her
name)every other woman away from
him that is after him that (his/her
name)ignores them completely and
only looks for me and accepts me once
and for all so we can be happy together
(your name) and (his/her name).That
(his/her name)feels
attraction,pa**ion,sexual desire and
love only for me (your name)that (his /
her name) calls me,text me and email
me (your name) now and at every
moment asking where im at what i am
doing and to tell me how much he
loves me.That (his/her name) feels
nostalgia,desire pa**ion and love for
me (your name),that (his/her
name)waits and looks for me today
and now in this precise moment to tell
me how much he loves me and wants
me (your name)by his side.I want to
hear the voice of (his/her name)asking
me to see him/her to be with me telling
me he loves me and wants me (your
name) that he wants to marry me(your
name) and will do the impossible so
everything between us works
out.Thank you for the fulfilled favor I
shall spread your name,I (your
name)prophetize in the name of the
father the son and the holy ghost.I
have confidence in the power of the 7
crossroads that so it will be so it is and
so it has been done.I thank you for the
asked wish already granted and
fulfilled.Every time I read this prayer
the stronger it will become.I shall Cry
out to the 4 corners of the world asking
the mother to grant me(your name)
my wish.Make (his/her name)be crazy
in love and desire for me(your
name)make him fight for our love until
its reached,that every tear s

Date: Sun 02/1/15 8:31PM
From: Rosemary Jones-Borde">

February 1, 2015
I am writing you because I am need a way out of poverty and always hunger.

I have applied to many jobs, and no response, which leads me to you.

I have never been in this position before with no food or money, where my child and grandchild are destitute; and I have always been the bread winner.

My husband abandoned I and my child when she was 6 months old. She is now 29 years old and her future husband tried to cut her head off, and she has a 5 year old baby girl.

Had I known he just wanted his green papers, I would have never married him, because he
didn't love; me it was an illusion.

Needless to say I have always provided for my children, now the economy is reviving
but the jobs aren't being offered to me or my daughter.

Which has devastated my life and my daughter's life and she has to care for a 5 year old.

Your a**istance is much needed, we need to discover a way to provide for our needs.

Rosemary Jones-Borde and Shakita J. Borde
3 Kavanaugh Way Apt. #202
Dorchester, MA 02121

Date: Tue 01/27/15 4:32PM
From: caroline louise venn">

Message: Gracias Mi Reina Pomba Gira Make sure
that the person you want is the one
you really want because once you bind
that person to you there is no turning
back,he/she shall be yours.Pray with
lots of faith it shall be
granted.Powerful lady of the
crossroads,lady of all roads,owner of
the streets and the red roses.Beautiful
lady that your beauty be the beauty of
our roads, that your strengh be the
strengh that destroyes our enemies
declared and hidden.Pomba gira that
your charm be the charm of my desires
come true.Mote it be.By the powers of
the earth,by the presense of fire,by the
inspiration of air,by the virtues of
water I invoke Maria padilha by the
strengh of the sacred hearts and the
tears of land where you find simphiwe )to bring him in spirit body
and soul before me(your name)biding
definitely to me (your name).Hail
Pomba-gira Maria Padilha queen of the
7 crossroadsI ask you this way: now
woman spin come to me woman spin
in my favor making my beloved
(name); that he falls completely in love
with me; Asking as well: air move, fire
transform, water form, earth heal; and
the wheel turns, and turns, and turns;
making my beloved(name) loving me
subdued and crawling after me(Your
Name).Salve Pomba Gira queen of 7
crossroads, salve 7 sayas and her sisters
Maria Padilla, salve Maria Mulambo,
and all others of the falange;salve 7
sayas my good and glorious princess
protector of women and men Saying:I
know your strength and your power;I
ask that you attend my wish. that the
spirit ,body and soul of (his/her
name)is showered and fills with the
essence of my love and that he returns
it 4 times fold.that (his/her name)loves
me(your name)that his body spirit and
soul only belong to me,that (his/her
name)lives,breathes,sings,work s,has
fun only in my presence (your
name)that my shackles imprison him
forever by the powers of this prayer.My
pombas gira use your power and
distance (his/her name) from any
woman (man) that he/she is with in
this moment and if he/she was with
one that he/she calls him/her by my
name (your name)I want to bind the
spirit body and soul of (his/her
name)because I wanted him/her
binded and in love with me ( your
name)I want (his/her name) depends
on my loveI want him crazy in love
with me( your name)Desiring me like i
was the only and last woman/man on
the face of the earth.I want his heart
attached to me(yourname)eternally in
the name of the great Queen Maria
Padilha that this feeling blooms inside
of (his/her name)leaving it imprisoned
to (your name)24 hours a day.Oh
Pomba gira Queen Maria Padilha you
shall bring (his/her name) for me(your
name) because i desrire him and i want
him promply.By your hidden powers
that (his/her name) starts loving me
(your name)at thsi very moment and
that (his/her name) only thinks of me
(your name) like i was the only person
and (woman/man) in the world.That
he comes running towards me(your
name)filled with hope and desire, that
(his/her name) only has peace ,calm
tranquility hope,work,health
happyness only by my side (your
name)that (his/her name)comes to see
me and comes back to me(your
name)with your power and infinite
strengh open all the doors to (his/
hername) and me (your name)so we
can be together and make each other
happy and that we have work
love,care,health and family together
(his/hername)and me (your name).My
queen Maria Padilha I beg you that
you bring me (his/her name)that (his
her name)loves me alot,comes
submissive,humbled under my feel
like (your name) wish.I thank the great
Queen Maria Padilha and i promise to
keep your name always with meOh!
powerful Pomba gira of the 7 exus I
want my beloved (his/her name) back
because he saddens and depresses me
with his rejection distance and
indifference that (his/her name)forgets
and leaves once and for all, all the
other love interests and all the people
that want to separate us .That (his/her
name)gets dissapointed and grows
cold with other women,that any other
women that is with (his/her name)
leaves his life immediately that no
other woman can achieve that (his /her
name) feels pleasure,only i (your name)
will have that power given by you my
queen.That (his/her name) leaves all
the other women that (his/her
name)feels desires,pleasure and love
only with me (your name)and sees me
like the only love in his life that (his
name)feels uninterested of going out
with other women and that accepts
once and for all that he loves me and
only wants me (your name) and that
(his/her name)only wants to be with
me (your name)and noone else and
noone else.That (his/her name) feels
pleasure and love only with me and for
me (your name) that (his/her
name)feels good happy at peace and
loved only when he is by my side (your
name).That (his/her name) comes to
me(your name) and ask for my love
and my forgiveness and asks me (your
name)to marry him.Oh! beautiful and
powerful Pomba gira of the 7 exus that
in this moment (his/her name)wants to
be only with me and that he does the
impossible so that this may
happen.That he only wants to be with
me and noone else not even
ly.That (his/her name)thinks only of
me (your name)and thinking how he is
going to help me to make me(your
name)happy.And how he is going to
fight for our love so it continues and
we can be together the two of us
happyly married together forever,I
need my queen Pomba gira that you
give me a sign, a call a text from (his/
her name)or any other type of contact
to let me know if (his/her name) thinks
of me and wants me (your name) so
that he may take this darkness and
depression i am in.That (his/her
name)talks to me that he/she feels she/
he misses me,needs me and wants me
near more than ever.You are powerful
and strong,bring (his/her name) to my
feet forever,that he comes running that
he leaves everything and everyone that
he forgets about family,customs,
friends,work,women,men,and that
(his/her name)only loves and thinks of
me(your name).Beautiful and powerful
Pomba gira of the 7 exus with your
great and invincible power
destroy,bring down,finish,take,make
dissapear all the
barriers,people,spells,works and hexes
that are not allowing (his/her name)
from coming to me (your name) and
loves me deeply and that he desires to
be with me(your name).I want my
beloved (his/her name)always loving
me,admiring me, taking care of
me,protect me.That when (his her
name)goes to bed thinks of (your
name),my queen i ask that you make
(his/her name) feel for me a love and
desire outside of the normal and
common something unexplainable
like he never felt for anyone else and
will never feel again just for me(your
name) that this doesnt scare him/her
that this motivate him to start fighting
for our love so we can be together (his/
her name) and me (your name) and be
happy together.That (his/her name)
only has sexual desires only for me
(your name) and noone else.That his
desires and good thoughts are only for
me (your name) that his
thoughts ,gentleness,love,tenderness,mo
ney,details are only for me(your
name).Only I (your name)will have this
power given by you my queen.Salve 7
sayes by the 7 exus that follow your
steps I ask and beg you to bind (his her
name)in the 7 sayas and the 7 guisos of
his clothes just for me (your
name).Beautiful and powerful pomba
gira of the 7 exus i ask you,break,turn
to dust and dissappear all the
strengh,the pride,the dignity,that
makes (his/her name)be so cold with
me so that (his/her name) becomes
lovable,understanding,caring only
with me (your name).That (his/her
name)cares and loves me very
much.That(your name)gets to stay
with (his/her name)I also want you my
beautiful and powerful Pomba Gira of
the 7 exus to distance from (his/her
name)every other woman away from
him that is after him that (his/her
name)ignores them completely and
only looks for me and accepts me once
and for all so we can be happy together
(your name) and (his/her name).That
(his/her name)feels
attraction,pa**ion,sexual desire and
love only for me (your name)that (his /
her name) calls me,text me and email
me (your name) now and at every
moment asking where im at what i am
doing and to tell me how much he
loves me.That (his/her name) feels
nostalgia,desire pa**ion and love for
me (your name),that (his/her
name)waits and looks for me today
and now in this precise moment to tell
me how much he loves me and wants
me (your name)by his side.I want to
hear the voice of (his/her name)asking
me to see him/her to be with me telling
me he loves me and wants me (your
name) that he wants to marry me(your
name) and will do the impossible so
everything between us works
out.Thank you for the fulfilled favor I
shall spread your name,I (your
name)prophetize in the name of the
father the son and the holy ghost.I
have confidence in the power of the 7
crossroads that so it will be so it is and
so it has been done.I thank you for the
asked wish already granted and
fulfilled.Every time I read this prayer
the stronger it will become.I shall

Date: Tue 01/27/15 4:27PM
From: caroline louise venn">

Message: Gracias Mi Reina Pomba Gira Make sure
that the person you want is the one
you really want because once you bind
that person to you there is no turning
back,he/she shall be yours.Pray with
lots of faith it shall be
granted.Powerful lady of the
crossroads,lady of all roads,owner of
the streets and the red roses.Beautiful
lady that your beauty be the beauty of
our roads, that your strengh be the
strengh that destroyes our enemies
declared and hidden.Pomba gira that
your charm be the charm of my desires
come true.Mote it be.By the powers of
the earth,by the presense of fire,by the
inspiration of air,by the virtues of
water I invoke Maria padilha by the
strengh of the sacred hearts and the
tears of love so she goes where (his/her
name here)and where you find (his/her
name here)to bring him in spirit body
and soul before me(your name)biding
definitely to me (your name).Hail
Pomba-gira Maria Padilha queen of the
7 crossroadsI ask you this way: now
woman spin come to me woman spin
in my favor making my beloved
(name); that he falls completely in love
with me; Asking as well: air move, fire
transform, water form, earth heal; and
the wheel turns, and turns, and turns;
making my beloved(name) loving me
subdued and crawling after me(Your
Name).Salve Pomba Gira queen of 7
crossroads, salve 7 sayas and her sisters
Maria Padilla, salve Maria Mulambo,
and all others of the falange;salve 7
sayas my good and glorious princess
protector of women and men Saying:I
know your strength and your power;I
ask that you attend my wish. that the
spirit ,body and soul of (his/her
name)is showered and fills with the
essence of my love and that he returns
it 4 times fold.that (his/her name)loves
me(your name)that his body spirit and
soul only belong to me,that (his/her
name)lives,breathes,sings,work s,has
fun only in my presence (your
name)that my shackles imprison him
forever by the powers of this prayer.My
pombas gira use your power and
distance (his/her name) from any
woman (man) that he/she is with in
this moment and if he/she was with
one that he/she calls him/her by my
name (your name)I want to bind the
spirit body and soul of (his/her
name)because I wanted him/her
binded and in love with me ( your
name)I want (his/her name) depends
on my loveI want him crazy in love
with me( your name)Desiring me like i
was the only and last woman/man on
the face of the earth.I want his heart
attached to me(yourname)eternally in
the name of the great Queen Maria
Padilha that this feeling blooms inside
of (his/her name)leaving it imprisoned
to (your name)24 hours a day.Oh
Pomba gira Queen Maria Padilha you
shall bring (his/her name) for me(your
name) because i desrire him and i want
him promply.By your hidden powers
that (his/her name) starts loving me
(your name)at thsi very moment and
that (his/her name) only thinks of me
(your name) like i was the only person
and (woman/man) in the world.That
he comes running towards me(your
name)filled with hope and desire, that
(his/her name) only has peace ,calm
tranquility hope,work,health
happyness only by my side (your
name)that (his/her name)comes to see
me and comes back to me(your
name)with your power and infinite
strengh open all the doors to (his/
hername) and me (your name)so we
can be together and make each other
happy and that we have work
love,care,health and family together
(his/hername)and me (your name).My
queen Maria Padilha I beg you that
you bring me (his/her name)that (his
her name)loves me alot,comes
submissive,humbled under my feel
like (your name) wish.I thank the great
Queen Maria Padilha and i promise to
keep your name always with meOh!
powerful Pomba gira of the 7 exus I
want my beloved (his/her name) back
because he saddens and depresses me
with his rejection distance and
indifference that (his/her name)forgets
and leaves once and for all, all the
other love interests and all the people
that want to separate us .That (his/her
name)gets dissapointed and grows
cold with other women,that any other
women that is with (his/her name)
leaves his life immediately that no
other woman can achieve that (his /her
name) feels pleasure,only i (your name)
will have that power given by you my
queen.That (his/her name) leaves all
the other women that (his/her
name)feels desires,pleasure and love
only with me (your name)and sees me
like the only love in his life that (his
name)feels uninterested of going out
with other women and that accepts
once and for all that he loves me and
only wants me (your name) and that
(his/her name)only wants to be with
me (your name)and noone else and
noone else.That (his/her name) feels
pleasure and love only with me and for
me (your name) that (his/her
name)feels good happy at peace and
loved only when he is by my side (your
name).That (his/her name) comes to
me(your name) and ask for my love
and my forgiveness and asks me (your
name)to marry him.Oh! beautiful and
powerful Pomba gira of the 7 exus that
in this moment (his/her name)wants to
be only with me and that he does the
impossible so that this may
happen.That he only wants to be with
me and noone else not even
ly.That (his/her name)thinks only of
me (your name)and thinking how he is
going to help me to make me(your
name)happy.And how he is going to
fight for our love so it continues and
we can be together the two of us
happyly married together forever,I
need my queen Pomba gira that you
give me a sign, a call a text from (his/
her name)or any other type of contact
to let me know if (his/her name) thinks
of me and wants me (your name) so
that he may take this darkness and
depression i am in.That (his/her
name)talks to me that he/she feels she/
he misses me,needs me and wants me
near more than ever.You are powerful
and strong,bring (his/her name) to my
feet forever,that he comes running that
he leaves everything and everyone that
he forgets about family,customs,
friends,work,women,men,and that
(his/her name)only loves and thinks of
me(your name).Beautiful and powerful
Pomba gira of the 7 exus with your
great and invincible power
destroy,bring down,finish,take,make
dissapear all the
barriers,people,spells,works and hexes
that are not allowing (his/her name)
from coming to me (your name) and
loves me deeply and that he desires to
be with me(your name).I want my
beloved (his/her name)always loving
me,admiring me, taking care of
me,protect me.That when (his her
name)goes to bed thinks of (your
name),my queen i ask that you make
(his/her name) feel for me a love and
desire outside of the normal and
common something unexplainable
like he never felt for anyone else and
will never feel again just for me(your
name) that this doesnt scare him/her
that this motivate him to start fighting
for our love so we can be together (his/
her name) and me (your name) and be
happy together.That (his/her name)
only has sexual desires only for me
(your name) and noone else.That his
desires and good thoughts are only for
me (your name) that his
thoughts ,gentleness,love,tenderness,mo
ney,details are only for me(your
name).Only I (your name)will have this
power given by you my queen.Salve 7
sayes by the 7 exus that follow your
steps I ask and beg you to bind (his her
name)in the 7 sayas and the 7 guisos of
his clothes just for me (your
name).Beautiful and powerful pomba
gira of the 7 exus i ask you,break,turn
to dust and dissappear all the
strengh,the pride,the dignity,that
makes (his/her name)be so cold with
me so that (his/her name) becomes
lovable,understanding,caring only
with me (your name).That (his/her
name)cares and loves me very
much.That(your name)gets to stay
with (his/her name)I also want you my
beautiful and powerful Pomba Gira of
the 7 exus to distance from (his/her
name)every other woman away from
him that is after him that (his/her
name)ignores them completely and
only looks for me and accepts me once
and for all so we can be happy together
(your name) and (his/her name).That
(his/her name)feels
attraction,pa**ion,sexual desire and
love only for me (your name)that (his /
her name) calls me,text me and email
me (your name) now and at every
moment asking where im at what i am
doing and to tell me how much he
loves me.That (his/her name) feels
nostalgia,desire pa**ion and love for
me (your name),that (his/her
name)waits and looks for me today
and now in this precise moment to tell
me how much he loves me and wants
me (your name)by his side.I want to
hear the voice of (his/her name)asking
me to see him/her to be with me telling
me he loves me and wants me (your
name) that he wants to marry me(your
name) and will do the impossible so
everything between us works
out.Thank you for the fulfilled favor I
shall spread your name,I (your
name)prophetize in the name of the
father the son and the holy ghost.I
have confidence in the power of the 7
crossroads that so it will be so it is and
so it has been done.I thank you for the
asked wish already granted and
fulfilled.Every time I read this prayer
the stronger it will become.I shall Cry
out to the 4 corners of the world asking
the mother to grant me(your name)
my wish.Make (his/her name)be crazy
in love and desire for me(your
name)make him fight for our love until
its reached,that every tear shed by me
(your name)gets transformed into a
great love in the heart of (his/her
name)I know that the spirits of the
falange of pomba gira are blowing in
the ears of (his/her name)blowing my
name(your name) day and night
telling him that he talks to me,that he
loves me and that nobody will love
him like I do.That he sets his pride
aside and comes to me submissive and
in love that (his/her name) sleeps
thinking remembering and dreaming
of me (your name).That he wakes up
thinking and loving me(your
name).Salve Pomba gira I ask you oh
Mother remove from (his/her
name)thoughts all the
hate,resentment,grudges,anger, upset
feelings,anger and anything that went
wrong that made him distance himself
from me (your name).And that now
you turn all that in to a great and
unique unconditional love for me(your
name)and that (his/her name)thinks
only of our love and how to fight for it
and that (his/her name)lives crawling
and in love with me(your name).So it
will be,so it is and so it has been done.I
thank you for all that has been done
and I am confident that I shall be
attended (his/her name) is going to be
crazy in love for me (your name) as
soon as possible bring (his/her name)
back to me.Amen,amen and
amen.Copy and paste this petition in 7
different places for your wish to be
granted; there is not turning back be
condifend and have faith.What ever
you promise dont break it.

Date: Sun 01/11/15 10:31PM
From: Olivia">

Pomba Gira, as promised I spread your great name. I beg you to bring back my love to me immediately. Beautiful and powerful Pomba Gira my queen pomba gira maria padilha of the 7 crossroads, go wherever DR is don't let him rest, don't let him sleep,don't let him talk, don't let him be cheerful, don't let him feel pleasure until he talks to me, it is, for the powers of earth, for the presence of fire, for the inspiration of air, for the virtues of water, that i invoke the 13 blessed souls for the power of the sacred hearts. For the tears shed for love,so that they go to wherever DR is at this moment and bring his spirit to me, to tie it definitely to mine in this very instant. DR's spirit will soak in the essence of my love and will be back in double. DR will never have interest, never desire, never flirt, never communicate, never have sexual thoughts, urges, conversations, activities with any women except with me OG. DR's eyes will always be only for me and on me... so it will be!
Hail pomba gira maria padilha queen of the 7 crossroads! I ask you: go , turn around, go woman, turn around in my favour bringing DR to me in this precise moment, asking; move air, transform fire, move air, transform fire, water becomes, earth heals, it turns the wheel turns, it turns the wheel turns it will bring DR back to me as immediately next to me OG. DR won't ever love or desire another woman except me OG. DR will be fine only by my side, DR will desperately miss me and will come to meet me and beg me to never let him go. DR will want only me and is addicted in love only with me, and DR will never stop thinking about us happy together. DR is consumed with thoughts of loving me every waking moment and in his dreams when he sleeps. DR is consumed with feelings of addicted in love with me, full of pa**ion, faithful, devotion, loyal only to me now and forever. It is and it will be. Hail pomba gira! Hail 7 skirts! Hail your sisters, maria mulambo, maria padilha, shivered, and all the others ! Hail 7 skirts! My good friend, woman of 7 exus, defender of the women! Hail 7 skirts my kind and glorious princess.i know your strength and your power, I ask the following: DR will not sleep unless he speaks to me and is sure that we are together, his body will burn into desiring me at this precise moment. DR's desire, attraction, addiction for me will make him blind for other women, any other women will never see him as a man, the any other women will never make DR desire them, will not give him pleasure. I, OG am the only one who will have this power. DR will never love, kiss, hug, flirt, have sexual conversations, sexual thoughts, sexual desire, any contact or chat on FB, Whatsapp,or any social media with any woman anymore except me OG. DR will never invite any women to his apartment except me OG, I am the only one that DR will let me be in his mind and heart every moment of every day. Tear any and all other women apart from him instantly, any other women will never want him anymore. DR sees all other women as bad, untrusting and disgusting except me. Only I am DR true love, trustworthy, beautiful, generous, and worthy of his love and affection now and forever. DR will look for me at all times, today, now wishing to be by my side, he misses me desperately, DR will always have my image in his thoughts at all times of his day and night. Right now, with whomever and wherever you DR will stop and all thoughts and feelings of longing to be with me, love and talk with me, will be instantly with me. When you lay down you will dream of being only with me, when you wake up you immediately are consumed with thoughts of us together happily, talking to me, and for this you will be addicted in love with me more everyday, if you are sleeping you wake up desperately missing me calling my name. You will be relieved and happy to hear my voice. DR will feel an intense, addition, attraction, desire and true love for me that is not normal, like DR has never felt for any other woman and never will feel for any women ever except me OG.
Hail 7 skirts! My kind and glorious princess for the 7 exus that follow your steps, I plea and I beg, instantly at this very moment tie DR to the 7 knots of your skirts and to the 7 bells of your clothes for me.
I thank you for your work for me. I will make public your name in exchange of this wish, bind DR immediately to me and let him always be with me, let him be mine now and forever, let DR always be with me and today, he is consumed with thinking about me, calling me, messaging me insistently and DR will be back to me immediately, because he will not stand being far away from me, because he is afraid of losing me, he will come saying, begging that he wants me always with him at this precise moment, and he will want me to be his, lover, best friend, confidant, girlfriend, wife and mother of his children. Distance does not matter, DR will not allow distance between us to keep us apart, he will immediately profess his love to me and begin a loving long distant relationship working everyday to bring us together, protecting me and treating me as his true love and wife. Like this it is.
I trust the group of pomba gira of the 7 crossroads, every time this prayer is read it will be stronger, that is why i will send it to the 4 corners of the world, asking oh mother make this wish come true: I want to be with DR. I know the groups of pomba gira are already blowing my name OG into DR's ears day and night, DR will not eat, sleep or do anything unless he is with me, I trust the power of the 7 crossroads and will continue spreading this powerful prayer, like this it is, it will be.

Date: Sun 12/28/14 12:29AM
From: Dolly">

Message: Lord Jesus, please stop my friend's wife from cheating her husband and her child, as she's seeing and communicating with her lover discreetly. Please change her so that she does not have any feelings, love, interest for her lover, and she will stop communicating or contacting him. Infact, she should only love, serve, be truthful and a dutiful mother and wife to her husband and her child, and reside to another country with her family forever.

Same goes with her lover, he should have no more feelings, love, interest for her, nor he'll communicate or call her anymore. Please make his mind blank of her.

Please don't let the family fall apart, as the child loves her parents immensely and he loves his wife too.

Please help to solve this.


Date: Tue 12/23/14 9:43AM
From: Kr">

Message: Powerful lady of the crossroads,lady of all roads,owner of the streets and the red roses.Beautiful lady that your beauty be the beauty of our roads, that your strengh be the strengh that destroyes our enemies declared and hidden.Pomba gira that your charm be the charm of my desires come true.Mote it be.By the powers of the earth,by the presense of fire,by the inspiration of air,by the virtues of water I invoke Maria padilha by the strengh of the sacred hearts and the tears of love so she goes where SS is and where you find SS to bring him in spirit body and soul before me KR biding definitely to me KR. Hail Pomba-gira Maria Padilha queen of the 7 crossroadsI ask you this way: now woman spin come to me woman spin in my favor

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