Virtual Altar

This is the Virtual Altar Guestbook. They say that there is Power in Numbers...
there have been many miracles through prayer and positive projection. Please
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May You Be Blessed,
Mona Magick

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Date: Thu 04/24/14 3:03PM
From: jdg">

Message: Oración de protección antes de comenzar.

Pido permiso a dios padre todo poderoso creador del cielo y de la tierra, pido permiso a mi señor Jesucristo, mi único y varadero salvador, pido permiso al espíritu santo que juntos forman un solo dios, pido su permiso y su bendición para que mis oraciones y deseos me sean concedidos para que su protección divina no permita que ningún ente negativo busque luz en este hogar, ni tampoco se acerque a este hogar.

Pido permiso al angel de la guarda de la mujer que amo, pido la protección y la bendición de mi santo angel de la guarda

Amadísimo Señor mío, confío ciegamente porque eres tú mi eterno salvador, por eso te pido con todas las fuerzas de mi alma, para que con tu omnipotencia ilumines la gracia que tanto deseo.
Señor Jesucristo te pido la gracia para que me la concedas en nombre del padre santo. Amén.

(Que mi esposa me ame con todo su corazón)

Por los poderes de SAN CIPRIANO y de las tres ALMAS que vigilan SAN CIPRIANO, --GEMD--. Vendrá ahora atrás de mí, JDG.- GEMD.- va a venir ARRASTRANDOSE Y, enamorada, llena de amor, de deseo para volver y pedirme perdón por mentir y para pedirme en noviazgo y más tarde en boda lo más rápido posible. SAN CIPRIANO, tendré ese poder que ella olvide y deje de una vez cualquier hombre que pueda estar en su cabeza y vuelva a asumirrme y declararse para que todos vean. SAN CIPRIANO aleje de -GEMD--cualquier hombre, que ella me busque a todo momento, HOY y AHORA, deseando estar a mi lado, que ella tenga la CERTEZA QUE SOY el HOMBRE PERFECTO PARA ELLA, que ----GEMD---. no pueda vivir sin mí JDG que -GEMD----. siempre tenga mi imagen en su pensamiento en todos los momentos. AHORA, CON QUIEN ESTÉ, ADÓNDE ESTÉ, ELLA me buscara PORQUE El PENSAMIENTO DE ELLA ESTÁ EN MÍ, JDG

Y al acostarse que sueñe conmigo y al despertar que piense en mí JDG y me desee, al comer piense en mí JDG, al pisar que piense en mí JDG, EN TODOS Los MOMENTOS DE Su VIDA PIENSE EN MÍ JDG. Que quiera verme, sentir mi olor, tocarme con AMOR, que -GEMD---. Quiera abrazarme, besarme, cuidarme, protegerme, amarme en las 24 horas de todos sus días, haciendo así, que ella me ame cada día más y que sienta placer solamente por oír mi voz. SAN CIPRIANO haga a-GEMD-. sentir por mí JDG un deseo fuera del normal, como nunca sintió por otro y nunca sentirá .Que haya placer sólo conmigo, que haya deseo solamente por mí, JDG y que su cuerpo sólo a mí pertenezca, que sólo tenga paz si esta bien conmigo. Te Agradezco a ti SAN CIPRIANO por estar trabajando a mi favor y voy a divulgar SU NOMBRE en pago de amansar --GEMD--- y traerla enamorada, cariñosa, devota, dedicada, fiel y llena de deseo a mis brazos.
AQUI DICES 1 Padrenuestro, 1 Ave María y 1 Gloria.

Gracias Padre Celestial por el favor concedido. Gracias San Cipriano por el favor concedido

Rézala por 3 días y colócala en 3 altares diferentes.

Date: Mon 03/31/14 2:14PM
From: T.,M.">

Message: Por los poderes de la tierra, por la presencia del fuego, por la inspiración del aire, por las virtudes del agua, invoco y conjuro a Pomba Gira María Padilha, por la fuerza de los corazones sagrados y de las lágrimas derramadas por amor, para que se dirija a T. S. donde está trayendo su espíritu ante mi T.M., amarrándolo definitivamente al mío.
Que su espíritu se bañe en la esencia de mi amor y me devuelva el amor en cuádruple.
Que T.S. jamás quiera a otra persona y que su cuerpo solo a mi T.M. me pertenezca. Que T.S. no beba, no coma, no hable, no escuche, no cante a no ser en mi presencia. Que mis grilletes lo apresen para siempre, por los poderes de esta Oración.
Minhas pombas gira use su poder y aleje a T.S. de cualquier mujer con que él esté en este momento; y si estuviera que llame mi nombre.
Quiero amarrar el espíritu y cuerpo de T.S.; porque lo quiero amarrado y enamorado de mi T.M quiero que T.S. quede dependiente de mi amor, quiero verlo loco por mi T.M., deseándome como si yo fuese la última persona de la faz de la tierra. Quiero su corazón prendido a mi eternamente, que en nombre de la gran Reina María Padilha florezca este sentimiento dentro de T.S. dejándole preso a mi T.M., 24 horas por día.
OH Pomba gira Reina María Padilha has de traer a T.S., para mi T.M., pues yo a él deseo, y lo quiero deprisa. Por tus poderes ocultos, que T.S. comience a amarme a mi T.M. a partir de este exacto instante y que el piense sólo en mi T.M., como si yo fuese la única persona del mundo.
Que T.S. venga corriendo hacia mi, lleno de esperanzas y deseo, que T.S. no tenga sosiego hasta que venga a buscarme, y vuelva a mi T.M.
Reina María Padilha yo te imploro para que me traigas a T.S. Que T.S. me ame mucho, venga manso y como yo deseo.
Yo le agradezco a la gran Rainha María Padilha. Y prometo siempre llevar su nombre conmigo.
OH! Poderosa Pomba Gira Siete Exus, quiero de vuelta mi amado T.S. que me entristece con su desprecio, que T.S. olvide y deje de una vez y por todas todos los otros amores y a los que nos quieran apartar.
Que T.S. sea desanimado y frío con todas las otras mujeres, que cualquier otra mujer que este con T.S. se estrese con él, pelee con él y salga inmediatamente de la vida de él y le tome enojo, odio, aversión y rabia de él y no se retracte de nada. Y que T.S. tome enojo, odio, aversión y rabia de cualquier otra mujer que ande con el ahora y que ellos terminen esa relación urgentemente.
Que El venga a mi T.M., pida mi amor y mi perdón.
Oh! Linda Poderosa Pomba Gira Sete Exus, que en ese momento T.S. quede sólo pensando en mí y pensando cómo va a hacer para HACERME FELIZ.
Necesito reina, de una señal, una llamada telefónica, cualquier contacto para yo saber si T.S. piensa en mi y que me quiere, y me quite de esa oscuridad. Que T.S. hable conmigo, que sienta que me echa de menos. Usted es fuerte y poderosa, traiga a T.S. a mis pies, para no salir, y que venga corriendo, que deje todo y a todos Y que sólo piense en mi T.M.
Linda Poderosa Pomba Gira Siete Exus que con su grande y fuerte poder quite todas las barreras que están impidiendo que T.S. ME AME LOCAMENTE y desee unirse a mi T.M.
Quiero mi amado, amándome y admirándome siempre. Que él no sienta más deseos sexuales por ninguna otra persona. Que sus deseos sean sólo para mi T.M., que sus pensamientos, gentilezas y bondades sean sólo para mi T.M.
Que T.S. quiera de verdad que yo T.M. me quede con él. Pero además, quiero que usted, Linda Poderosa Pomba Gira Siete Exus, aleje de T.S. toda y cualquier otra mujer. Y Que podamos ser felices juntos.
Que él me llame por teléfono, desde ya y en todo momento. Que sienta nostalgia por mi persona, y que sufra lejos de mi T.M.
Quiero que él T.S. me busque hoy y ahora. Quiero oír la voz de él, pidiendo verme para quedarse conmigo y volviendo a mi T.M. para siempre, diciendo que me ama y que me quiere solo a mi. Gracias por el favor concedido.

Date: Thu 03/20/14 4:59PM
From: WENDY">

Message: Please bless myself and Thomas with money, tattoo business, creativity, love, and patience with each other!!!
Blessed Be!

Peace and love

Date: Thu 03/13/14 8:11PM
From: Derrick">

Message: Please pray for a complete end and turn around of recent misfortunes involving Phoi and my employment. Pray that ARC Ridgway's return back to me my courier delivery position, and that those responsible for this would make full restitution and that my integrity and joy be fully restored. Also pray that I become a multi millionaire within this year. Many Thanks and amen

Date: Mon 03/3/14 8:40PM
From: thanksPG">

Message: Gracias Mi Reina Pomba Gira
Make sure that the person you want is the one you really want because once you bind that person to you there is no turning back,he/she shall be yours.Pray with lots of faith it shall be granted.Powerful lady of the crossroads,lady of all roads,owner of the streets and the red roses.Beautiful lady that your beauty be the beauty of our roads, that your strengh be the strengh that destroyes our enemies declared and hidden.Pomba gira that your charm be the charm of my desires come true.Mote it be.By the powers of the earth,by the presense of fire,by the inspiration of air,by the virtues of water I invoke Maria padilha by the strengh of the sacred hearts and the tears of love so she goes where (his/her name here)and where you find (his/her name here)to bring him in spirit body and soul before me(your name)biding definitely to me (your name).Hail Pomba-gira Maria Padilha queen of the 7 crossroadsI ask you this way: now woman spin come to me woman spin in my favor making my beloved(name); that he falls completely in love with me; Asking as well: air move, fire transform, water form, earth heal; and the wheel turns, and turns, and turns; making my beloved(name) loving me subdued and crawling after me(Your Name).Salve Pomba Gira queen of 7 crossroads, salve 7 sayas and her sisters Maria Padilla, salve Maria Mulambo, and all others of the falange;salve 7 sayas my good and glorious princess protector of women and men Saying:I know your strength and your power;I ask that you attend my wish. that the spirit ,body and soul of (his/her name)is showered and fills with the essence of my love and that he returns it 4 times fold.that (his/her name)loves me(your name)that his body spirit and soul only belong to me,that (his/her name)lives,breathes,sings,work s,has fun only in my presence (your name)that my shackles imprison him forever by the powers of this prayer.My pombas gira use your power and distance (his/her name) from any woman (man) that he/she is with in this moment and if he/she was with one that he/she calls him/her by my name (your name)I want to bind the spirit body and soul of (his/her name)because I wanted him/her binded and in love with me ( your name)I want (his/her name) depends on my loveI want him crazy in love with me( your name)Desiring me like i was the only and last woman/man on the face of the earth.I want his heart attached to me(yourname)eternally in the name of the great Queen Maria Padilha that this feeling blooms inside of (his/her name)leaving it imprisoned to (your name)24 hours a day.Oh Pomba gira Queen Maria Padilha you shall bring (his/her name) for me(your name) because i desrire him and i want him promply.By your hidden powers that (his/her name) starts loving me(your name)at thsi very moment and that (his/her name) only thinks of me (your name) like i was the only person and (woman/man) in the world.That he comes running towards me(your name)filled with hope and desire, that (his/her name) only has peace ,calm tranquility hope,work,health happyness only by my side (your name)that (his/her name)comes to see me and comes back to me(your name)with your power and infinite strengh open all the doors to (his/hername) and me (your name)so we can be together and make each other happy and that we have work love,care,health and family together (his/hername)and me (your name).My queen Maria Padilha I beg you that you bring me (his/her name)that (his her name)loves me alot,comes submissive,humbled under my feel like (your name) wish.I thank the great Queen Maria Padilha and i promise to keep your name always with meOh! powerful Pomba gira of the 7 exus I want my beloved (his/her name) back because he saddens and depresses me with his rejection distance and indifference that (his/her name)forgets and leaves once and for all, all the other love interests and all the people that want to separate us .That (his/her name)gets dissapointed and grows cold with other women,that any other women that is with (his/her name) leaves his life immediately that no other woman can achieve that (his /her name) feels pleasure,only i (your name) will have that power given by you my queen.That (his/her name) leaves all the other women that (his/her name)feels desires,pleasure and love only with me (your name)and sees me like the only love in his life that (his name)feels uninterested of going out with other women and that accepts once and for all that he loves me and only wants me (your name) and that (his/her name)only wants to be with me (your name)and noone else and noone else.That (his/her name) feels pleasure and love only with me and for me (your name) that (his/her name)feels good happy at peace and loved only when he is by my side (your name).That (his/her name) comes to me(your name) and ask for my love and my forgiveness and asks me (your name)to marry him.Oh! beautiful and powerful Pomba gira of the 7 exus that in this moment (his/her name)wants to be only with me and that he does the impossible so that this may happen.That he only wants to be with me and noone else not even friends,women,men,clients,fami ly.That (his/her name)thinks only of me (your name)and thinking how he is going to help me to make me(your name)happy.And how he is going to fight for our love so it continues and we can be together the two of us happyly married together forever,I need my queen Pomba gira that you give me a sign, a call a text from (his/her name)or any other type of contact to let me know if (his/her name) thinks of me and wants me (your name) so that he may take this darkness and depression i am in.That (his/her name)talks to me that he/she feels she/he misses me,needs me and wants me near more than ever.You are powerful and strong,bring (his/her name) to my feet forever,that he comes running that he leaves everything and everyone that he forgets about family,customs, friends,work,women,men,and that (his/her name)only loves and thinks of me(your name).Beautiful and powerful Pomba gira of the 7 exus with your great and invincible power destroy,bring down,finish,take,make dissapear all the barriers,people,spells,works and hexes that are not allowing (his/her name) from coming to me (your name) and loves me deeply and that he desires to be with me(your name).I want my beloved (his/her name)always loving me,admiring me, taking care of me,protect me.That when (his her name)goes to bed thinks of (your name),my queen i ask that you make (his/her name) feel for me a love and desire outside of the normal and common something unexplainable like he never felt for anyone else and will never feel again just for me(your name) that this doesnt scare him/her that this motivate him to start fighting for our love so we can be together (his/her name) and me (your name) and be happy together.That (his/her name) only has sexual desires only for me(your name) and noone else.That his desires and good thoughts are only for me (your name) that his thoughts ,gentleness,love,tenderness,mo ney,details are only for me(your name).Only I (your name)will have this power given by you my queen.Salve 7 sayes by the 7 exus that follow your steps I ask and beg you to bind (his her name)in the 7 sayas and the 7 guisos of his clothes just for me (your name).Beautiful and powerful pomba gira of the 7 exus i ask you,break,turn to dust and dissappear all the strengh,the pride,the dignity,that makes (his/her name)be so cold with me so that (his/her name) becomes lovable,understanding,caring only with me (your name).That (his/her name)cares and loves me very much.That(your name)gets to stay with (his/her name)I also want you my beautiful and powerful Pomba Gira of the 7 exus to distance from (his/her name)every other woman away from him that is after him that (his/her name)ignores them completely and only looks for me and accepts me once and for all so we can be happy together (your name) and (his/her name).That (his/her name)feels attraction,pa**ion,sexual desire and love only for me (your name)that (his /her name) calls me,text me and email me (your name) now and at every moment asking where im at what i am doing and to tell me how much he loves me.That (his/her name) feels nostalgia,desire pa**ion and love for me (your name),that (his/her name)waits and looks for me today and now in this precise moment to tell me how much he loves me and wants me (your name)by his side.I want to hear the voice of (his/her name)asking me to see him/her to be with me telling me he loves me and wants me (your name) that he wants to marry me(your name) and will do the impossible so everything between us works out.Thank you for the fulfilled favor I shall spread your name,I (your name)prophetize in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost.I have confidence in the power of the 7 crossroads that so it will be so it is and so it has been done.I thank you for the asked wish already granted and fulfilled.Every time I read this prayer the stronger it will become.I shall Cry out to the 4 corners of the world asking the mother to grant me(your name) my wish.Make (his/her name)be crazy in love and desire for me(your name)make him fight for our love until its reached,that every tear shed by me (your name)gets transformed into a great love in the heart of (his/her name)I know that the spirits of the falange of pomba gira are blowing in the ears of (his/her name)blowing my name(your name) day and night telling him that he talks to me,that he loves me and that nobody will love him like I do.That he sets his pride aside and comes to me submissive and in love that (his/her name) sleeps thinking remembering and dreaming of me (your name).That he wakes up thinking and loving me(your name).Salve Pomba gira I ask you oh Mother remove from (his/her name)thoughts all the hate,resentment,grudges,anger, upset feelings,anger and anything that went wrong that made him distance himself from me (your name).And that now you turn all that in to a great and unique unconditional love for me(your name)and that (his/her name)thinks only of our love and how to fight for it and that (his/her name)lives crawling and in love with me(your name).So it will be,so it is and so it has been done.I thank you for all that has been done and I am confident that I shall be attended (his/her name) is going to be crazy in love for me (your name) as soon as possible bring (his/her name) back to me.Amen,amen and amen.Copy and paste this petition in 7 different places for your wish to be granted; there is not turning back be condifend and have faith.What ever you promise dont break it.

Date: Mon 02/17/14 1:46PM
From: C.R.C">

Message: Senhor Deus em nome de Jesus Te peço que neste exato momento (E.A.D.C) sinta saudades de mim. Que não consiga me tirar da sua cabeça e dos seus pensamentos,tudo que olhe e veja se lembre de mim. Que seja o que for que contrarie a nossa união acabe agora em nome de Jesus e que (E.A.D.C) sinta uma profunda necessidade de me ver, de falar comigo, que ele reavalie a nossa situação e decida ficar comigo para sempre, que os nove coros dos Anjos soprem meu nome nos ouvidos de E.A.D.C e que ele não se sinta sossegado até dizer que não pode viver sem mim ainda hoje. Que minha imagem e o meu sentimento de amor entre no coração do E.A.D.C que essa vontade de me Ver e falar comigo, de me beijar, abraçar, de me amar se torne irresistível neste exato instante e sempre. Louvado seja Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, Louvado seja Nosso Deus Todo Poderoso, Rei de Todo Universo, terra, céu e mar, louvado seja os Arcanjos Miguel, Gabriel e Rafael. Que este meu desejo se reforce na luz do Mestre Jesus e que se realize agora mesmo, hoje mesmo. Pela Santíssima Trindade, Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo de Deus que quebre o orgulho, o egoísmo, a indiferença e o medo que se instalam no coração do E.A.D.C.
Peço à Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo , que E.A.D.C. me ame e que esse amor nunca acabe
E que o E.A.D.C não seja desviado por más influências e nem por sentimento por outra mulher. Peço aos três Arcanjos Miguel, Gabriel e Rafael que afastem E.A.D.C de pessoas que possam afastá-lo de mim principalmente, outras mulheres.
Que E.A.D.C fique protegido e não sinta atração ou desejo por ninguém ou nenhuma outra mulher além de mim.
Oh mestre eu suplico que nesse momento E.A.D.C. sinta uma irresistível vontade de ligar pra mim, que tudo se c**pra a**im que eu publicar essa oração.
Eu sou a realização desse desejo, eu sou a pura atração do E.A.D.C. Eu sou a imediata saudade do E.A.D.C.
Eu sou o amor perfeito do E.A.D.C
Eu sou a realização do E.A.D.C.
Eu sou o coração do E.A.D.C,
Eu sou o verdadeiro amor do E.A.D.C.
Publicar 9 dias exaltando o nome de DEUS PAI, DEUS FILHO E DEUS ESPÍRITO SANTO e terás seu desejo realizado.

Date: Thu 01/9/14 7:03AM
From: SGR">

Message: Minhas pombas giras façam sua gira e afastem (RAPJ) da Cidinha Costa nesse momento;
Quero amarrar o espírito e o corpo do (RAPJ); pois o quero apaixonado por mim, também quero que (RAPJ) fique dependente do meu amor. Eu quero vê-lo louco por mim, me desejando como se eu fosse a unica no mundo. Quero seu coração preso ao meu eternamente, que em nome da grande Rainha Maria Padilha floresça este sentimento dentro do (RAPJ), deixando-o preso a mim 24 horas por dia.

A pomba gira Rainha Maria Padilha há de trazer (RAPJ), para mim, pois eu o desejo, e o quero depressa.
Pelos poderes ocultos, que ele comece a me amar a partir deste exato instante e que ele pense só em mim, como se eu fosse a única pessoa do mundo. Que (RAPJ) venha correndo para me encontrar cheio de desejos e tesão, que ele não tenha sossego enquanto não me procurar.

Date: Fri 12/20/13 9:17AM
From: BJay">

Message: I pray for my ex to come back to me and realise he has made a mistake. I believe that we are meant to be and that he is the one. We need to be together and I need him, please reunite us and let us live on happily. Please aid me in this. I pray to be on his mind until he realises his fault. Please please help me with this and send me your energies.
I miss him and I wish for him to miss me until he can't stand life without me. Please aid me in this.

Date: Sat 11/9/13 4:42PM
From: Sprite">

Message: Pray and agree with me for a we quick return to good fortune and prosperity I had when at ARC Ridgway's. Pray that my weekly commission checks be between $546 and $610 every week and at least $2500 USD monthly for the next 13 months, starting now. Also pray that Lang has an opportunity for me to work with him and my old delivery position reopens up for me. Many thanks and amen.

Date: Tue 11/5/13 8:07AM
From: pomba">



Que CHF jamás quiera a otra persona y que su cuerpo solo a mi LGL me pertenezca , Que CHF no beba , no coma , no hable , no escuche , no cante a no ser en mi presencia . Que mis grilletes lo apresen para siempre, por los poderes de esta oración .

Minas pombas gira use su poder y aleje CHF de cualquier mujer con el que el este en este momento, y si estuviera que llame mi nombre, LGL.

Quiero amarrar el espíritu y cuerpo de CHF porque lo quiero amarrado y enamorado de mi LGL quiero CHF quede dependiente de mi amor, quiero verlo loco por mi LGL deseándome como si yo fuese la última persona de la faz de la tierra . Quiero su corazón prendido a mi eternamente, que en nombre de la gran Reina María Padilla florezca este sentimiento dentro de CHF dejándolo preso a mi LGL, 24 horas por día

Oh pomba gira reina María padilla has de traer a CHF para mi LGL, pues a el deseo, y lo quiero de prisa. Por tus poderes ocultos, que CHF comience a amarme a mi LGL a partir de este exacto instante y que el solo piense en mi LGL, como si yo fuese la única persona del mundo.

Que CHF venga corriendo hacia mí, lleno de esperanzas y deseo, que CHF no tenga sosiego hasta que venga a buscarme y vuelva a mi LGL.

Reina Maria Padilha yo te imploro para que me traigas a CHF. Que CHF me ame mucho, venga manso y como yo deseo. Yo le agradezco a la gran Reina Maria Padilha . Y prometo llevar su nombre conmigo.

Oh Poderosa Pomba Gira Siete Exus , quiero de vuelta a mi amado CHF que me entristece con su desprecio , que CHF olvide y deje de una vez y por todas , todos los otros amores y a los que nos quieran apartar.

Que CHF sea desaminado y frio con todas las otras mujeres, que cualquier otra mujer que esté con CHF se estrese con el , pelee con el y salga inmediatamente de la vida de el , y el le tome enojo , odio , aversión y rabia de el , y no se retracte de nada . Y que CHF tome enojo , odio aversión y rabia de cualquier otra mujer que ande con el ahora y que ellos terminen esa relación urgentemente

Que el venga a mi LGL, pida amor y mi perdón

Oh linda Poderosa Pomba Gira Siete Exus , que en este momento CHF quede solo pensando en mi , y pensando como va a hacer para hacerme feliz

Necesito reina , de una señal , una llamada telefónica , cualquier contacto para yo saber si CHF piensa en mi y que me quiere , y me quite de esa oscuridad . Que CHF hable conmigo , que sienta que me echa de menos . Usted es fuerte y poderosa , traiga a CHF a mis pies , para no salir , y que venga corriendo , que deje todo y a todos y que piense solo en mi LGL.

Linda poderosa pomba gira siete exus que con su grande y fuerte poder quite todas las barreras que están impidiendo que CHF me ame locamente y desee unirse a mi LGL

Quiero a mi amado, amándome y admirándome siempre. Que el no sienta más deseos sexuales por ninguna otra persona . Que sus deseos sean solo para mi LGL, que sus pensamientos , gentilezas y bondades sean solo para mi LGL

Que CHF quiera de verdad que yo LGL me quede con el . Pero además quiero que usted , linda poderosa Pomba Gira Siete Exus aleje de CHF toda y cualquier otra mujer . Y que podamos ser felices juntos

Que el me llame por teléfono , desde ya y en todo momento . Que sienta nostalgia por mi persona , y que sufra lejos de mi LGL

Quiero que el me busque hoy y ahora. Quiero oir la voz de el , pidiendo verme para quedarse conmigo y volviendo a mi LGL para siempre , diciendo que me ama y que me quiere solo a mi . Gracias por el favor concedido

Copie y pegue un pedido igual a este en 7 altares diferentes y dentro de siete días su pedido será realizado .

Oracion para amarrar a alguien . Simpatia Infalible que no se puede volver atrás
Si recibo noticias de CHF hoy no fumo más tabaco y compro una estampita suya para mi cartera y no la saco nunca más. Junto con san expedito

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Mona Magick's Virtual Altar