Mona Magick

September 2008.v9
Read Your Sun Sign in: English
French Spanish German

A note from
Mona Magick

In the mood for Magick? I hope you are because that's what this months articles are about! Don't want magick but just a little "know it all" about your sun sign? Click here for English, French, Spanish and German Newsletter.

Blessings to You All,
Mona Magick

Drugs and Magick

by Mona Magick
Before I begin, let it be known, I am not here to smack you on the wrist and start a new campaign on “Saying No Drugs” or pimp my way into persuading you into an assisted altered state…

Drugs or psychedelics as some have called them are without doubt one of the greatest tools for self-exploration known today. Not everyone who wishes to examine themselves needs such a catalyst but for many, if handled correctly, it can be a very useful tool. Small doses over a prolonged period can be shown in most cases to develop personal growth, but often people cannot cope with what they discover. With misuse it can lead to addition, possible schizophrenia, internal body dysfunctions and deterioration - sometimes even death, spirituality you leave yourself highly vulnerable to possessions … But with these drugs to see into yourself may release angels, but also often involves confronting demons. The most common reason people give for giving up hallucinogenic drugs is a bad trip, but those who preserve often gain a new outlook on life - one which generally acknowledges some form of spiritual realm.

In 1980 the movie Altered States, the setting is about a research scientist who believes in different states of consciousness uses a sensory deprivation tank and hallucinogenic drugs to find the ultimate truth. But soon his mind-altering experiments get out of control...

In 1999 the movie, The Matrix led us in suspense about which pill, we would take for enlightenment…

There are many drugs on the market that can give you the sense of nirvana or help aid to of what one may call a state of awareness… rather than promote any of these drugs, I have only just two that have been used for what ever reason or another related to spiritual work

LSD has also a long tradition of use (and unfortunately misuse) as an aid to creativity. This drug excites the slice of your brain that deals with perceptual awareness. In many cases people who tend to take this drug are unaware of their surrounding thus feeling like they’ve created another “state” of being.

Peyote - The cactus flowers occur sporadically, producing small pink fruit, which is valued for its bitter-sweet taste when eaten. When combined with appropriate set and setting, peyote is reported to trigger states of deep introspection and insight that have been described as being of a metaphysical or spiritual nature. At times, these can be accompanied by rich visual or auditory effects.

It could be disputed that at the root of all spiritual experiences there must, by definition, be some form of altered state of mind. As a tool for self-exploration or spiritual growth it may well be the case that some drugs can be useful, but if used for their own sake, the chances are they are no more than a symptom of the age of instant stimulation.
Right here – Right now there is a spirit energies around you weather you take drugs or not. Just as many of traditional paths faith tend to not encourage the power within but rather lend to the institution, many drugs do not allow you to call upon the source within to be strong at will.

Connect with the first of a mini series TeleLectures Sunday 28th September marks the first of many lectures and classes. This month "Success with all forms of Spellcasting" Book Now!

Spell of the Month - Increase the Potency (learn more here)
wheelTo increase your psychic abilities, there are many spells out there. To increase the power of all your spells use these planetary timings to boost your magick:

The period of the Full Moon increases the powers of extrasensory perception , and is the proper time to perform lunar Goddess invocations, fertility rituals, transformations, spirit conjurations, and spells that increase psychic abilities and prophetic dreams.

The time from the Full Moon through the first quarter to the Full Moon is the proper time to perform healing rituals, positive magick, and spells that increase love, good luck , growth of any kind, sexual desire and wealth.

The time from the Full moon through the last quarter to the New Moon is the proper time to perform destructive magick and spells that remove curses, hexes, jinxes, end bad relationships, reverse love spells and aphrodisiacs, break bad habits and unhealthy addictions, undo negative influences, and decrease fevers and pain.

Authority, leadership, willpower, warfare, spiritual conversion and rebirth. Time for healing rituals for the face, head or brain.

Love magick, real estate, material acquisitions and money. Healing for the throat, neck or ears.

Communication, change of residence, writing, public relations activities, travel. Healing for shoulders, arms, hands or lungs.

Honoring lunar deities, home and domestic life. Healing rituals for chest and stomach

Authority, power over others, courage , fertility, and childbirth. Healing for the upper back, spine, and heart.

Employment, intellectual matters, health, and dietary concerns. Healing for the intestines or nervous system.

Artistic work, justice, court cases, partnerships and unions, mental stimulation, and karmic, spiritual or emotional balance. Healing for the lower back and kidneys.

Sexual matters, power, psychic growth, secrets, and transformations. Healing for reproductive organs.

Horses, travel, publications, legal matters, sport activities, and truth. Healing for the liver, thighs or hips.

Organization, ambition, recognition, career, and political matters. healing for knees, bones, teeth or skin.

Science, freedom, creative expression, problem-solving, extrasensory abilities, friendship, and the breaking of bad habits and unhealthy addictions. Healing for calves, ankles, or blood.

Dream work clairvoyance, telepathy, music, and creative arts. Healing for feet or lymph glands.:

September 2008 Lunar Calendar
  Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
   1  2  3 4 5 6
  8 9 10 11 12 13 14
  16 17 18 19 20 21
  25 24 25 26 27 28
= Full moon
= New moon
= Waxing moon, crescent
= Waning moon, crescent

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