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TeleClasses and Lectures Mona Magick's Talk Show Mystick Journey

Support these shows to continue to be free!
Loads of research and time goes in to finding the best material and quality guest speakers for thousands to listen around the world, If you'd like this show to continue, not to mention improve the quality, why not donate a contribution of your choice? Learn more here or

Giving to those in need is an important practice that I have executed over the past two decades. Below is a list of which my services and reading portioned proceeds are donated to. Many of the private parties, readings and lectures that I have given through the charities below have been very instrumental in changing the lives of others.
  • NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children)
    Aiming to see a society where all children are loved, valued and able to fulfil their potential. To protect children from cruelty, support vulnerable families, campaign for changes to the law and raise awareness about abuse.
  • Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International
    To raise awareness of the importance of diabetes research, highlight JDRF's global leadership, and raise funds for the fight to find a cure for diabetes and its complications.
  • Fairy Godmother Foundation
    The mission of Fairygodmother Foundation is to make wishes come true for loved ones facing terminal illness. Fairygodmother Foundation strives to bring joy to the lives of individuals (18 and older) and loved ones in their time of greatest need by turning dreams into reality.
  • Chicago Aids Foundation
    Prevention, Cure & Awareness
  • Breast Cancer Foundation
    Help bring breast cancer care to those who so desperately need it. Every year in the United States, breast cancer claims nearly 40,000 lives.

See "HERE" for additional organizations that you may be able to contribute to!


TeleClasses and Lectures Mona Magick Mystick Journey Talk Show Advertise