in to listen: |
(Available to download and as an MP3 on 24th Jan 2009) |
Speaker: |
Ygraine Mitchell |
Topic: |
Church of Satan Unleashed |
Overview: |
Founded by the late Magus Anton Szandor
LaVey (1930-1997), the Church of Satan is by far one
of the most misunderstood establishments even within
the circles of the occult.
I'll be discussing with my guest on the Satanic Church,
their beliefs, as well as dissolve all the myths and
misconceptions on worship, ceremonies and practice
of past and present..
“We blended a formula of
nine parts social respectability to one part outrage,”
says Anton LaVey. “We established a Church of
Satan—something that would smash all concepts
of what a ‘church’ was supposed to be.
This was a temple of indulgence to openly defy the
temples of abstinence that had been built up until
then. We didn’t want it to be an unforgiving,
unwelcoming place, but a place where you could go
to have fun.”
thus was initiated two revolutions which have carried
over into today: 1) the integration of magic and logic,
and 2) a religion based on self-indulgence, carnality
(here and now instead of there and then), and pleasure
instead of self-denial. Other ego-affirming, human
potential programs like EST, drew from the ground-breaking
attitudes and techniques of the Church of Satan....
Come and listen with an open mind as
you should with all sources of the occult!
Website: |
http://www.churchofsatan.com/ |
Ygraine Mitchell Blog: |
http://magistrayrainetwo.blogspot.com/ |
the promo for this site: |
http://www.monamagick.com/events_promo_church_of_satan.html |
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