A Rare Exclusive Interview with Dr. DePrince


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Rare interview with Master DePrince
Dr. Thessalonia DePrince

Not much is known of Thessalonia DePrince,”Dr. DePrince” (as he’s known by some). In February 2012 I met with Dr. DePrince in England where after decades being a close friend and confidant, he granted me the honour of a rare and exclusive interview. The granting of this interview was conditional, which is between me and him but was to take place later in the year. His exact words as I stared right into the seriousness of  his eyes, “I want to set the record straight, people have to know…” The reason behind DePrince giving me this interview was as friend, seer and confidant, not that of a follower per but one of trust, honour and integrity.

Over the many years of speaking and meeting with Dr. DePrince, he spoke of confidential topics and information – to be honest listening to him tell the countless stories of his lifetime was always fascinating to me. One day, not long after granting me the interview, DePrince had told me he was not able to interview, that he was retiring. Knowing that one never retires in the spiritual business especially at the level of a souls commitment he’d given within the path he’s taken…I accepted Dr. DePrince’s decision to not interview wishing him the best upon the path he continues to work upon.

Many of you have emailed me regarding this interview. In fact hundreds. This interview has been cancelled…I will not be selling books given to me by Dr. DePrince nor information on private conversations between me and Dr. DePrince etc as asked by many of you. If you would like to contact Dr. DePrince please contact him directly.

A Powered Connection,
Mona Magick

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