Mona Magick July 2008.v7

A note from Mona Magick

Amazing how "time flies" - not to mention that I'm getting this newsletter out at the end of the month!This month the focus is on improving the "Money & Sex" in your life. Why? This is the concern of most of my clients and loyal readers that contact me. Check out what I have to say. Send me your comments and questions and perhaps you'll be on top in no time if you aren't already! Last but not least due to popular demand I've brought back the "Spell of the Month" section!

Look for these articles in the next few months:

  • Beyond Spells to increase ones Sex Appeal
  • Homosexuality and the Occult
  • More Cosmic Art
    - You'll have to just wait and see!

Mona Magick

Financial Payment Trends by Your Zodiac Sign - Get Ahead!

by Mona Magick
We are now into the second part of 2008. How are you managing your finances? It pays to make sure you are managing your money properly and there is no better time than at the NOW to stir things back into motion if things have gone off course a little bit. Good News: Due to many of you learning your life's lessons you may be better off than your general astrological profile which is only based on your Sun sign! Remember, Astrology should be used as a tool and NOT a blueprint for you to override your logical judgment when keeping your money in order:

Aries - financially consistent. Ariens are reasonably consistent when it comes to financial more on how to be more consistent!

Taurus - financially thorough. Taureans are fairly meticulous in their financial more on how to enjoy your money

Gemini - least financially organised star sign. Gemini's fall below the mark when it comes to financial more on becoming more organised!

Cancer - chequebook-loving. Cancerians adore their chequebooks, rejecting cash for this form of more on other creative ways in dealing with your money!

Leo - poor PIN managers. Leos are at the bottom of the pile when it comes to managing the PINs for their plastic more on secrets to keeping your PIN numbers handy!

Virgo - online-lovers. Virgos love to inspect their statements at least once a month, particularly more on your financial monitoring.

Libra - financially slowest star sign. Librans demonstrate a distinct lack of interest and attention to detail when it comes to their financial more on being slow no more!

Scorpio - debit card-lovers. Scorpios are the sign of the debit card, displaying a strong preference for this form of more one managing your money

Sagittarius - responsible yet financially disorganised. Sagittarians are not the most financially organised star sign, yet they are responsible when it comes to paying off their credit card more on becoming more organised

Capricorn - financially astute. Financially responsible in most areas, Capricorns are the most financially astute when it comes to managing their more

Aquarius - keen cash and credit card users. Aquarians are keen cash and credit card users but need to improve the management of their more on keeping an eye on your statements

Pisces - financially responsible. Pisceans are financially more on how responsible you can be

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Spell of the Month - Drawing Money with High John the Conqueror
wheelHigh John the Conqueror root is one of the staples of African-American folk magic. its very name signifies power and prosperity to many. High John the Conqueror root is one of the staples of African-American folk magic. Its very name signifies power and prosperity to many. Who was John the Conqueror and what is the root named after him? Ethnographers, especially those influenced by Zora Neale Hurston, say that he was a black slave John, said to be the son of an African king, was in captivity, but he never became subservient, and his cleverness at tricking his master supplied many a story with a pointed moral. If he was a real being, he soon acquired some of the characteristics of mythical trickster figures like the Native American Coyote, the African-American Bre'r Rabbit, and the West African deity known variously as Elegua, Legba, and Eshu. He gave -- only to take away.When he made bets he never lost. He played dumb -- but he was never outsmarted. The reputation of High John is so great that, as recorded by the folklorist Harry Middleton Hyatt in the 1930s, just reciting the words "John over John" and "John the Conqueror" is a powerful spell of magical protection. Try this spell to draw money to you:

  • Wrap your folding bills around the root and keep it as a pocket piece. (Some people use a buckeye nut or nutmeg in the same manner.) Anoint the root regularly with John the Conqueror Oil, rubbing it in as you do so.

Don't blame the cosmos for your spiritual hang-ups!
It's almost a broken record how many people blame their faults on their planetary positions, daily horoscopes, their parents or the most popular one, their past life for who or what they aren't or are today.

The simple virtues of life will do - for example:

  • If you are hesitant about anything then stop and explore probably aren't ready to do what you feel so confident in. If you were brought up under an orthodox religion it may be hard for you to chant out words of entities you've been taught where taboo. I have found that many blame their religions or parents for keeping them "back" or in the dark. Religion like all else has it's elements that can be used in our everyday lives, start by taking what keeps you strong from within and go from there.
  • Blaming ones planetary positions for your really bad personality traits. If you find that you cannot finish anything or that you don't adapt well to change and it causes a problem in your life, simply make an effort to change your habits and cut out the excuses of the planetary influences!!! Knowledge of the occult arts, used properly is to enhance ones life not to use as blaming trophies built to stagnate you! The knowledge used properly is used as a TOOL and not as a blueprint for you to not use your mind - your higher self, the "I" the "YOU"
  • I see many folk studying for years...even decades and never learn anything... I'm sure no one reading this newsletter would spend decades in the same class year after year! IF what you are learning does not enhance your life as you have anticipated after a reasonable amount of time, revisit your method by which you are learning, your teacher, and last but not least, the material ..perhaps your cup is full and you should move on!
  • NEVER practise an art blindly! Know what you are chanting, understand what entities you should be familiar with, within your area of practise. Many call it "dabbling" when people meddle and go out into things they don't fully understand. Trust me, ignorance is never a safe place to be in the spiritual world. Research all what you can, ask questions, participate, meditate, and be true to yourself...yourself will then be honest enough to let you know if you should put more time into your interest or drink from another vessel
  • Being true to yourself should be number one on your list and never accepted the last....

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