Welcome to Mystick Journey
Mona Magick
February 2008.v2


Happy New Year To All from Mona Magick!Kisses to you all on this Valentines day! This newsletter is dedicated to putting love into your life because no matter how much you have - or dont have more is always a good thing! But as we always need to take care of business here's a few announcements:

Here are some updates within my site:

In this issue
  • Your Vote Counts!
  • 7 Helpful notes on Love Spells
  • Ask Mona! "Is there a fertility spell that I may try?"
  • Spell of the Month - Make theLove you have Secure

  • 7 Helpful notes on Love Spells

    Love spells can be an effective tool for enriching your love life. But be sure to remember the adage, "Be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it." Think carefully of the type of love spell you want to cast, the possible results and what you hope to receive from the spell. You will find that love spells, as with any magick, can help turn your desires and wishes into realities in your life.

    Know the intended
    One rule of thumb is that if you are in need of a spell on a particular person or your relationship it is BEST that you are currently in a relationship with the person intented. I once had a young man name several women he wanted a love spell done on within 30 days and he knew none of them! You may however, have an attraction spell done on your behalf - just make sure it's specific!

    Stay away from manipulation
    Is Casting a Spell an Attempt to Manipulate Others? Love spells, as well as other love spells, work with the positive energy that is in all things and all people. That means the practice of spell casting respects the free will of the people towards which the spells are directed.

    Love spells can be just as effective when cast correctly and in the right spirit. A responsible spell caster will use spells that are worded to not be manipulative or violate free will.

    Enhancement is Key
    A reunited lovers’ spell can be worded to enhance, and bring to the surface feelings that already exist for you until your lover thinks of you so much they can’t wait to have you back. In this way the spell is not creating new feelings, nor is it making your lover bind to you outside of his or her free will. Don't forget that enhancement should not stop at the ritual altar...work on your relationship as well!

    Free Will is Law
    This is not only respectful of the free will of your lover, but it is also a fullfilment of your deepest desire. You want your lover to desire you from his or her own free will, not because they have been manipulated to do so, or because they have been put in a kind of trance over which will have no control over and mostly likely will always have to be re enhanced.

    Know when to have your spell cast
    An experienced spell caster is the best person to cast a love spell for you. The most important of these is the wording of the spell itself, but the date and time of the spell casting is also important. Experience has taught me that casting on the best date in the lunar month yields far greater results than if cast immediately regardless of the lunar cycle. However, you'll also find in other traditions time ie. hour of the day etc may be more important etc. If you do decide to go to a spell caster, tell them the truth about your situation to "one" get faster results and "two" not to cause damage with your advisors relationship and you not to mention potentially more problems in the love relationship that you've gone to them for.

    Consider taking care of the carnal things in life at hand on "this" realm as spiritual energy is best done when you are well focused because it should be a last resort of course. On the other hand, if you prefer to cast the spell yourself, that is possible too. But obviously if you are inexperienced you will need some guidance. If you feel that your spell isn't working you may always contact me for a consultation as to the best route in making your spell successful.

    Ask Mona!

    Q: Is there a fertility spell that I may try?
    A: First of all please make sure you check with your doctor regarding any induced procedures. Please make sure that you're in sound health before doing anything involving your medical health. I am NOT a medical doctor. BUT I do know of one remedy and old wives tale that is natural and you may want to try. Before doing so you may want to surf the internet for fertility sites that may increase your chances as they're more dedicated to your needs. Here's the remedy ( a simple douche - The Lemon Fertility Douche besst used around ovulation and sex of course):

    (improves the pH making it easier for sperm to travel. Use 10-30 minutes before intercourse.

    1/2 cup fresh lemon juice

    1 cup warm water (do NOT use vinegar)

    Note: Western medicine tells women that douching can DECREASE your chances of getting pregnant because it kills the necessary bacteria in the female reproductive organ. However, many other cultures say the opposite is true. Speak to your doctor before trying one of these recipes.

    Spell of the Month

    Make the love you have secure

    Take a lock of hair from your lover or spouse and tie a pink ribbon around it. Light three pink candles and then place the hair in a hollowed out apple along with a pinch of ground cinnamon, 7 rose petals and a lock of your own hair tied with a white ribbon. Pass the apple through the flame of each candle while visualizing yourself and your lover. Wrap the apple in a piece of white cloth, then bury it under the window where you sleep. This will help strengthen the existing bond between you..

    Now some will say..."But I don't have a love at the moment", My response "Keep this spell and all others...as you never know when they may come handy! :-)

    >>learn more on spells, oils, soaps and more!

    Putting Magick
    in your Life

    Many think that Magick is unreachable. Magick is simply the use of energy within us and available in nature. Everyone can produce magick - bluntly speaking it's really more about how much you can tune into your inner self for the results you truly want.

    There are different kinds of magick and some people are better at one type of magick then another. Whatever type of magick you practice, the more you are aware of your psychic energy and the use of energy flows and the more you practice, the better you become and the more effective the magick will be.

    Make sure any mental thought you have and all actions that you do not divert in any way from your goal and sooner than later you'll start seening an increase in the quality of the Magick you do. The more you practice the easy it will get and your results rewarding!

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