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2006 Horoscopes

ARIES - March 20-April 20
2005 was more about personal relationships and the personal development. 2006 continues that path. Fun, play, creativity, romance, self expressions are all key words for you this year. Stability and structure will result.

TAURUS - April 21-May 20
You will start 2006 with some ups and downs that begin to calm down in February and March. In 2005 you found yourself judging yourself harshly and you will find that all of 2006 brings you to being easier on yourself even developing a great self love and acceptance.

GEMINI - May 21-June 20
2006 is a year of major change for Gemini and they will take on the tone of drama. The past few years have been long and challenging. As 2006 evolves, you will find your whole life gradually and slowly changing and the end result will be quite remarkable.

CANCER - June 21-July 22
2006 will be easier and more fulfilling than the past few years and you enter the year having already noticed that ease. It is a year with keywords like growth and abundance, fun, self-fulfillment, and creativity. It will be a lucky year for you and abundance and personal victories will be the hallmark

LEO - July 23-August 23
2006 continues more of the same that began for you in mid-2005 and will last until the middle of 2007. It is a time of building character. It is a time to get serious and focused. The usual life of a Leo of fun and party is not yours during this time.

VIRGO - August 24-September 22
2006 brings for you dramatic change and the lack of surety that come with change. You have felt insecure and not safe and you will see dramatic radical change this year... by your own making. It could be a year of daring and drama, which are new experiences for you.

LIBRA - September 23-October 23
2006 bring an every increasing time of personal creativity, noticed by you as emerging from mid-2005 onward. It is a time of opportunity, abundance, self-esteem and self-worth.It is a time of expansion. You will have, however, an increasing sense of responsibility, especially for others..

SCORPIO - October 24 - November 21
2006 will reap the harvest of last year's spiritual development and personal expansion. It was an inner change and this year it will be expressed outwardly and tangibly. Change in the last two years is rewarded with new opportunities this year.

SAGITTARIUS - November 22-December 21
2006 is harvest time for you. The last few years of ups and downs and the lessons learned will now reward you. Losses of the past turn into gains. It will seem a time of good fortune and personal empowerment. You've earned it!

CAPRICORN - December 22-January 20
2006 brings more focus on love, money, and career. Balance will be your challenge as you attempt all year to find that balance between work and play, between work and family.

AQUARIUS - January 20-February 18
2006 is a hallmark year for you as you enjoy a harvest of plenty in the areas of money and career. You have been building toward it and your innovation, out of the box ideas and quick mind bring you your just rewards.

PISCES - February 19-March 20
2006 is a hallmark year of change for you bringing much sought after freedom, fun, vibrancy and adventure. You won't be playing your usual game of caution in 2006. Spring is a turning point time this year for you. It is a year of letting go and opening up to new possibilities.

These are only GENERAL Astrological predictions for 2006 and from person to person may vary widely because of your unique horoscope. It is best to get an accurate personal report based on your birth time and birth date. As YOU are unique.
Click Here to order a chart based on your exact birthdate!