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Spells for You!.

Right Hand Spells
Left Hand Spells
Use these spells with caution, very similar to Revenge spells in respects to causing havoc in the life of others. Before you decide to perform any of these spells, please work out alternative options to avoid any “bad karma”.

There is much to be said that all Left Hand spells can be used in defense instead of offense.
Curse an Enemy

IIn the dark of the moon, spread a table with some cloth of a dark color, ragged and dusty.At the four corners, set black candles unlit. In the center of the table, set a open wooden box. On a small flat stone, inscribe your enemy's name reversed. Spit upon it and set it within the box. Light the four candles with a burning straw or taper. Cast into the box a handful of bitter weeds: chicory, dandelion, etc.

Fix the curse with these words.
That thou shalt be turned into a stone,
And that all thy wits shall be turned front to back,
And that over thy face the loathsomeness shall creep,
And that as in a coffin thy limbs shall be bound,
And that light shall be withheld from thine eyes,
And that thy house and lands shall be impoverished and spoiled,
And that all the nourishment shall taste to thy tongue as wormwood,
And that thou shalt be held alien from thy fellow man,
And that these things shall be so until I release thee,
I spread this table and mark this stone
And spit upon it and conceal it,
And light these candles and apply these poisons,
And fix this curse upon thee
In the names of the Four Fires
Whose names are RIL, YUT, SAR, and LOD,
Who shall consume thee as they are consumed
Remain watching by the candles until the are burnt out.
These things may be taken away but the stone must be buried near you house until the spell is withdrawn.