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Spells for You!.

Right Hand Spells
Left Hand Spells
We all want money and an abundance of it! Many of these spells may also be used for grand opportunities. You may also consider doing attraction spells to increase your odds of gaining.

Money Knot Spell

Do not misuse the powers that be for greediness, only to help you out in a pinch if the need arises. This may not work well for those of you with short hair. I have long hair and this part of the spell. If you have short hair or no hair, try subsituting green thread/yarn (use natural fibre thread/yarn, such as cotton/wool). To see if the yarn is real wool or synthetic, burn a bit of it on the end. If it forms a hard little nub, then it is synthetic.

Brush/comb your hair. The strands of hair that are on your comb/brush, is what you'll be using. When you have at least nine or more long strands of hair, you are ready to begin. Begin chanting the following or similar words:

Dear Lord and Lady,
Please send money to me.
Please send money to me,
Dear Lord and Lady.
Let the money come in an innocent way,
Let harm come to none,for fulfilling
this need for which I pray.

As you chant the above, rub the stands of hair between your palms, to form a sort of cord. Keep chanting, while doing the following. Next, tie nine knots onto this hair cord. The following is a sloppy diagram to show you where to tie these knots on the hair cord. The numbers represent where the knots should be tied.


Tie the first knot at the furthest left side of the hair cord, the second knot at the furthest right side of the hair cord, the third knot in the middle and so on.

As you tie these knots, keep chanting. Visualize your financial need being met, through positive ways, such as finding a stash of money
you forgot about, winning a small sum, but not through inheritances etc(as this is destructive, you don't want someone to die, in order for you to meet your financial needs, which is why the wording of the chant used is so important).

Once you have tied the nine knots in the appropriate order, keep chanting and visualizing debts paid in full etc. Then, either bury the
hair cord, burn it or throw it into the wind. Then make an offering to the Lord and Lady, by either burying an apple, pour some milk/wine into the ground, bury a bit of tobacco etc.

As you prepare and leave your offering of thanks, say out loud that you are thankful for their love, assistance, help, guidence etc and be sincere when doing so!