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Magick Has No Colour
January - 2004 Article 1-2

In my day of awareness I have met many great spiritual leaders and rest assured there will be plenty more to meet before long. One hard trait that I have learned to let go of in my life a long ago was the discernment between good and evil or right and wrong. Like we've all been told "everything in life is only received as you perceive it". I recently stumbled on a warning from a man in south Asia warning everyone of the "evil" practices in his parts of the village calling it the origin of "Black Magic -. He went on to warn everyone about the curses of evil that many in his village were victims of. Well, "fear" if it were something to fear is the only enemy in many instances..if not so at least the portal in which the "weak" may be inhibited. To make one thing clear.. I am not a paranormal skeptic by any means. I simply do not want to sensationalize fear, superstition nor ignorance in any degree. I am a strong believer and practitioner of "Magick" has no colour indeed and has become the root of semantic association of "Black" thus being of evil and unknown and "White" being pure and righteous.

It would be safe to say that most things that we determine to be good or bad are based on if the action brings upon happiness or sadness. But wouldn't the act of stealing find it's way into a thief's heart as happiness and yet to abolish corporal punishment have it's disputes as well as to being either right or wrong?

When considering spiritual attainment there are many factors to consider if you carry (like most people do ) an inherited idealism of Black and/or White Magick. The first law of nature to all is "self preservation" yet many would consider this selfish not to think of others first. Nevertheless I hold true to the belief that if you cannot help yourself then you will not be able to help others! Here are some principles that divide the thin and parallel line between good and evil:
  • Intent:
    I am not going to justify good and bad intent here.. The basis of all intent has an effect on even others who are not even in the world wind at the given time of the implemented work.

  • Effect:
    What effect will your intent conclude to? Who or what will be affected? Will your "Intent" cause a reaction thereby a chained "Intent" of someone or something else which may cause Intent totally adverse from your original notion?

  • Will:
    "Where there is a "Will" there is a "Way"". Your will has to remain constant to your intent and your belief. Yet you must release all beliefs to now that what you hold as thoughts of balance is one in the same and not separate. Therefore "Will" focusing becomes prime.

Humans or mammals of structure and order. They feel this is a way of control and to help structure things in their lives to organization and understanding. Nature is a process of blending. When anything in nature progresses or regresses it is a blended process. From the time the sun rises in the morning till midnight when the moon is high…it's all at a process. Today this is why so many cannot decide on right and wrong because they neglect that everything has it's blended process which so many feel that it should be more like a switch.

You will come to realize after your own spiritual growth in which path you are more apt to leaning towards. It is not to label on or the other but to realize your strengths and destiny. As I mentioned earlier sometimes if not conducted properly an intent birth into something totally opposite thus inheriting the label opposite of your original intent be it good or bad, White or Black Magick….In my office where I write most of my articles I found a sticker with a huge dog on it that I posted which said "If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch!" I am not one to collect comic strips nor allow my space to be cluttered around my working environment but this reminded me of the many people who attempt at Magick who are not strong, neither trained nor disciplined to even perform a simple chant not to mention ritual. It is important that if this is your desire to grow spiritually you must develop just as any one does in any specialized profession…

If one can put out of ones mind that Magick is colourless first…your spirit within you has made the first step towards you conquering your own inhibitions. It is true that through intent that the same ritual used for "White" magick can justly be for the ill intent for "Black" magick…this is by no means to manipulate anyone into thinking that there is no such thing as either side but only to conclude to you that if your intent is true and your are aware of the elements effect, reaction and so on…you may validate where on the pendulum where your stand. Remember Magick…Spiritual work is only a process and simultaneously has both sides to it's scale before it becomes to extreme and totally opposite of its mediators intent.

As for the village in South Asia…well I do believe that fear has clouded this village and if there is such a tribe or person(s) that do practice "Black Magick" I'm sure it is perceived as negative only because of ignorance and a lack of balance on both sides. History has proven to us the evidence of "evil" dictatorship in may facets…why not in magick…but like all, everything has a beginning and end which is the balancing factor in life. During your spiritual path of growth remember that it's important not to limit yourself to man given laws but to abide and respect the laws of the spirit world in which you become familiar with.

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