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Art of Soul Crafting
January - 2004 Article 1-4

When speaking about that of the SOUL, immediately "most" associate this with either the afterworld, and karma. Many do not associate it with the present, in fact many go on disassociating their soul at all unless a supernatural, religious or life and death matter comes into play…

It becomes pointless to actually define what the soul is, only to know that it does and will always exist into a transformed and evolved part of your being. Life is truly the most significant task that you will participate in your conscious days of existence. Weather you like to or not, you have alarm sensors that tell you to eat, sleep, and so on.. you even have hormones to sensationalize the urge of procreation… with each responsibility that we intake within our lives there are a set rituals that we go about to attains these needs and wants…these desires. We seek to perfect them to the point that the situation, is just right for us…

Weather you believe or not…your soul is real and is a life parallel in which you must progress into your next cycle of being. One cannot disprove or prove me at this point but, fancy me to entertain you, thus educate those intrigued and open:

Time as we know it is parallel to all that is both past and present. The easiest way to understand this without being too cosmic is to know that in one part of the world it may be the next day yet you may speak to this person of the future….Nevertheless, you must remember that your soul, the spirit world nor the outer cosmos adheres to our concept of time. The longevity of your life depends on many factors such as genetics, health, and so on…one could include destiny but that would take for ever to include. Therefore, you must know that your life is a process of eternal progression of your contribution of your complete divine self.
  • Progression
    The art of progressing ones soul to develop constantly is to first to begin to become familiar with your spiritual origins. You cannot have a end without know from which point to start. Your soul is a dual counter within "you" that reaches for it's final union of wholeness.

  • Submission
    You must submit into knowing…into acknowledging that you know nothing and to allow your soul - your spirit to translate knowledge within for your both your growth mentally and spiritually. One mistake from many who have found a new spiritual direction is to think they know it all. The universe is too vast for this to be…your mind and the capacity of the truth is too astounding for our minds to hold yet conceive within the laws of our environment in which we habitat.

  • Accepting Your Cycles
    Accepting your cycle of your souls transformation may seem easy but it is the most complex, the most hardest to accept. At one point it may mean that you are enlightened to a higher level of consciousness! And finally it may mean to cast out your fear because your physical death may mean it's the next cycle of your souls existence and progression. With each cycle there are both sacrifices and rewards to receive. Knowing that our dimensions and the spirit world and what we call time is parallel only means that you are "remembering" your levels of cycle and you may be already in your last cycle or close to it.

Crafting Your Soul for union Divinity Today
As "GOD" is great. No reference of gender nor religious preference implied…. What ever your belief, you must know that through the greatest that BE, it is by no mistake that we have a variety of different faiths, practices and religion. All is one such as your body yet all organs work as whole to allow a functional person. In your growth remember your "GOD"- your spirit as your guide and follow the example by forgetting reason and allowing the grace of serenity to envelop your soul. Like everything in life that you prepare for there is a time limit till performance. Crafting is only preparation. Prepare yourself as you do all that you care for and you will attain yet to your next level, and in parallel as above and here and now you will prosper in many ways beyond your conception!