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Spells for You!.

Right Hand Spells
Left Hand Spells
Does he or she love me or not? Read on for the many listed spells to spark up your love life. Keep in mind that these spells are ment for the relationship that your are "currently" in. Note: The LAW of Attraction awards you that which you put out so be careful that, that which you cast is the mirror in which you don't mind holding!
End "Your" Relationship

Pluck several hairs (enough to braid) and bind them with black thread so that they are all about the same length. Braid them and tie the other and also with another piece of the thread. Place the braid in an envelope with the name of the person you wish to rid yourself of written on the front. Now go bury it someplace. You'll have the person out of your hair in no time.

Adversely, if you want someone bound to you for a longer period of time, cut the hair rather than plucking it, and instead of burying the envelope with the braid, give it to the person as a gift. Both have worked for me more than once. What's the significance of plucking versus cutting? If you pluck the hair, it is no longer a part of you. If you cut it, that person now owns a piece of something that it still growing healthy on you, and it isn't just hair, but love that grows.