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Spells for You!.

Right Hand Spells
Left Hand Spells
Does he or she love me or not? Read on for the many listed spells to spark up your love life. Keep in mind that these spells are ment for the relationship that your are "currently" in. Note: The LAW of Attraction awards you that which you put out so be careful that, that which you cast is the mirror in which you don't mind holding!
Make Love Secure

Take a lock of hair from your lover or spouse and tie a pink ribbon around it. Light three pink candles and then place the hair in a hollowed out apple along with a pinch of ground cinnamon, 7 rose petals and a lock of your own hair tied with a white ribbon. Pass the apple through the flame of each candle while visualizing yourself and your lover. Wrap the apple in a piece of white cloth, then bury it under the window where you sleep. This will help strengthen the existing bond between you..