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Spells for You!.

Right Hand Spells
Left Hand Spells
Does he or she love me or not? Read on for the many listed spells to spark up your love life. Keep in mind that these spells are ment for the relationship that your are "currently" in. Note: The LAW of Attraction awards you that which you put out so be careful that, that which you cast is the mirror in which you don't mind holding!
Arouse Interest (This is a meal)

  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp. ginger
  • pinch of salt & pepper

Combine the ingredients in a bowl. Fill half an eggshell with water twice, pouring the water in the bowl each time. Beat the mixture until it's fluffy.

Cook it in a lightly buttered frying pan over low heat until the bottomof the omelette is done. With your fingernail trace your initials or name at the top of the omelette and his/hers at the bottom. Pop it under the broiler for a moment to cook
the top. Fold so that the initials are hidden.

Along with the omelette, serve a salad of bananas, peaches and pitted cherries - all of which have a power to arouse love. Hot rolls and apple butter also go along nicely (it's the apple butter with the power, especially if you made it yourself and used some of your kitchen witchery skills in the making of it!) If you can, share this omelette from the same plate for a romantic time!

Wash your Treat down with champagne