What is Magick?

What is Magick?

Magick is not capable of producing “miracles” or violating the physical laws of the universe. Magick is an action, an event in nature which is brought to pass by one’s Will. Within the ritual and ceremonial passages many practitioners take there are ways to understanding magick in a lesser esoteric way. Magick forces are neither good nor ‘bad’, but are neutral. HOWEVER it is the intent that puts them in their popular “categories:

White Magick – Othewise known as “Good” Magick performed for unselfish reasons, such as helping others, healing and magick always performed with the others permission.
Gray Magick – This is the most common type of magick performed. Magick that is usually for self-interest, it brings about a desired outcome that is beneficial for the one performing magick. This may fall in the ‘black magick’ area because the intent is unselfish it is therefore categorized as ‘gray magick.

Black Magick – Magick for selfish reasons, to do harm to another, control another`s will (FYI, under this popular classification many Love spells often fall under this category), and for some people, magick performed without another`s` permission.
Increase the Potency

The 3 Magick Pillars

Contagious Magick
Using a person`s personal belongings. clothing, hair, nails, etc.. This type of magick is used mainly for a variety of love spells to darker forms of magick such as the hexes and curses.

Sympathetic Magick aka Image Magick
The use of poppets,dolls, sand dolls, earth, mud dolls, corn husk dolls etc.. This type of magick is used mainly for healing believe it or not with the use of herbs stuffed into the doll. Sometimes dolls can be used for love spells where two poppets will be made of the assigned couple used also in candle magick. This type of magick is popular amongst African magick, Vodun, Santeria and Hoodoo folk magick practitioners.

Imitative Magick
Using drawings, paintings on paper, etc. of symbolic images representing your goal or an actual picture or drawing of what you want to happen. The object is that if you can draw it and see it then you
Minor Classifications of Magick

Personal Magick
This magick is directed for the self, to help the self. Often working on the subconscious mind alone with repetitive chants, self-hypnosis and visualization. Many people perform this kind of magick on themselves are not aware of it or deny it as magick
Active Magick – magick directed out, to bring about a desired event or to affect someone else.
Passive Magick – magick directed from out. Events that are caused by a nonphysical cause, such as ESP.
What colour is your Magick?

To increase your psychic abilities, there are many spells out there. To increase the power of all your spells use these planetary timings to boost your magick:

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